diff strophe.pubsub.js @ 0:f62b5c395a48

Initial commit.
author Emmanuel Gil Peyrot <linkmauve@linkmauve.fr>
date Sat, 04 Jun 2011 05:02:47 +0200
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/strophe.pubsub.js
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+  Copyright 2008, Stanziq  Inc.
+Strophe.addConnectionPlugin('pubsub', {
+  Extend connection object to have plugin name 'pubsub'.  
+    _connection: null,
+	//The plugin must have the init function.
+	init: function(conn) {
+	    this._connection = conn;
+	    /*
+	      Function used to setup plugin.
+	    */
+	    /* extend name space 
+	     *  NS.PUBSUB - XMPP Publish Subscribe namespace
+	     *              from XEP 60.  
+	     *
+	     *                                options namespace from XEP 60.
+	     */
+	    Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB',"http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub");
+	    Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS',
+				 Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+"#subscribe_options");
+	    Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB_ERRORS',Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+"#errors");
+	    Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB_EVENT',Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+"#event");
+	    Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB_OWNER',Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+"#owner");
+	    Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB_AUTO_CREATE',
+				 Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+"#auto-create");
+	    Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB_PUBLISH_OPTIONS',
+				 Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+"#publish-options");
+	    Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB_NODE_CONFIG',
+				 Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+"#node_config");
+	    Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB_CREATE_AND_CONFIGURE',
+				 Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+"#create-and-configure");
+	    Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBE_AUTHORIZATION',
+				 Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+"#subscribe_authorization");
+	    Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB_GET_PENDING',
+				 Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+"#get-pending");
+	    Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB_MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTIONS',
+				 Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+"#manage-subscriptions");
+	    Strophe.addNamespace('PUBSUB_META_DATA',
+				 Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+"#meta-data");
+	},
+	/***Function
+	Create a pubsub node on the given service with the given node
+	name.
+	Parameters:
+	(String) jid - The node owner's jid.
+	(String) service - The name of the pubsub service.
+	(String) node -  The name of the pubsub node.
+	(Dictionary) options -  The configuration options for the  node.
+	(Function) call_back - Used to determine if node
+	creation was sucessful.
+	Returns:
+	Iq id used to send subscription.
+	*/
+	createNode: function(jid,service,node,options, call_back) {
+	    var iqid = this._connection.getUniqueId("pubsubcreatenode");
+	    var iq = $iq({from:jid, to:service, type:'set', id:iqid});
+	    var c_options = Strophe.xmlElement("configure",[]);
+	    var x = Strophe.xmlElement("x",[["xmlns","jabber:x:data"]]);
+	    var form_field = Strophe.xmlElement("field",[["var","FORM_TYPE"],
+							 ["type","hidden"]]);
+	    var value = Strophe.xmlElement("value",[]);
+	    var text = Strophe.xmlTextNode(Strophe.NS.PUBSUB+"#node_config");
+	    value.appendChild(text);
+	    form_field.appendChild(value);
+	    x.appendChild(form_field);
+	    for (var i in options)
+	    {
+		var val = options[i];
+		x.appendChild(val);
+	    }
+	    if(options.length && options.length != 0)
+	    {
+		c_options.appendChild(x);
+	    }
+	    iq.c('pubsub',
+		{xmlns:Strophe.NS.PUBSUB}).c('create',
+		    {node:node}).up().cnode(c_options);
+	    this._connection.addHandler(call_back,
+				  null,
+				  'iq',
+				  null,
+				  iqid,
+				  null);
+	    this._connection.send(iq.tree());
+	    return iqid;
+	},
+	/***Function
+	    Subscribe to a node in order to receive event items.
+	    Parameters:
+	    (String) jid - The node owner's jid.
+	    (String) service - The name of the pubsub service.
+	    (String) node -  The name of the pubsub node.
+	    (Array) options -  The configuration options for the  node.
+	    (Function) event_cb - Used to recieve subscription events.
+	    (Function) call_back - Used to determine if node
+	    creation was sucessful.
+	    Returns:
+	    Iq id used to send subscription.
+	*/
+	subscribe: function(jid,service,node,options, event_cb, call_back) {
+	    var subid = this._connection.getUniqueId("subscribenode");
+	    var sub = $iq({from:jid, to:service, type:'set', id:subid})
+	    if(options && options.length && options.length !== 0)
+	    {
+		//create subscription options
+		var sub_options = Strophe.xmlElement("options",[]);
+		var x = Strophe.xmlElement("x",[["xmlns","jabber:x:data"]]);
+		var form_field = Strophe.xmlElement("field",[["var","FORM_TYPE"],
+		    	    ["type","hidden"]]);
+		var value = Strophe.xmlElement("value",[]);
+		var text = Strophe.xmlTextNode(Strophe.NS.PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBE_OPTIONS);
+		value.appendChild(text);
+		form_field.appendChild(value);
+		x.appendChild(form_field);
+	        for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++)
+	        {
+		    var val = options[i];
+		    x.appendChild(val);
+	        }
+		sub_options.appendChild(x);
+		sub.c('pubsub', { xmlns:Strophe.NS.PUBSUB }).c('subscribe',
+		{node:node,jid:jid}).up().cnode(sub_options);
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		sub.c('pubsub', { xmlns:Strophe.NS.PUBSUB }).c('subscribe',
+		    {node:node,jid:jid});
+	    }
+	    this._connection.addHandler(call_back,
+				  null,
+				  'iq',
+				  null,
+				  subid,
+				  null);
+	    //add the event handler to receive items 
+	    this._connection.addHandler(event_cb,
+				  null,
+				  'message',
+				  null,
+				  null,
+				  null);
+	    this._connection.send(sub.tree());
+	    return subid;
+	},
+	/***Function
+	    Unsubscribe from a node.
+	    Parameters:
+	    (String) jid - The node owner's jid.
+	    (String) service - The name of the pubsub service.
+	    (String) node -  The name of the pubsub node.
+	    (Function) call_back - Used to determine if node
+	    creation was sucessful.
+	*/    
+	unsubscribe: function(jid,service,node, call_back) {
+	    var subid = this._connection.getUniqueId("unsubscribenode");
+	    var sub = $iq({from:jid, to:service, type:'set', id:subid})
+	    sub.c('pubsub', { xmlns:Strophe.NS.PUBSUB }).c('unsubscribe',
+		{node:node,jid:jid});
+	    this._connection.addHandler(call_back,
+				  null,
+				  'iq',
+				  null,
+				  subid,
+				  null);
+	    this._connection.send(sub.tree());
+	    return subid;
+	},
+	/***Function
+	Publish and item to the given pubsub node.
+	Parameters:
+	(String) jid - The node owner's jid.
+	(String) service - The name of the pubsub service.
+	(String) node -  The name of the pubsub node.
+	(Array) items -  The list of items to be published.
+	(Function) call_back - Used to determine if node
+	creation was sucessful.
+	*/    
+	publish: function(jid, service, node, items, call_back) {
+	    var pubid = this._connection.getUniqueId("publishnode");
+	    var publish_elem = Strophe.xmlElement("publish",
+						  [["node",
+						    node],
+						   ["jid",
+						    jid]]);
+	    for (var i in items)
+	    {
+		var item = Strophe.xmlElement("item",[]);
+		var entry = Strophe.xmlElement("entry",[]);
+		var t = Strophe.xmlTextNode(items[i]);
+		entry.appendChild(t);
+		item.appendChild(entry);
+		publish_elem.appendChild(item);
+	    }
+	    var pub = $iq({from:jid, to:service, type:'set', id:pubid})
+	    pub.c('pubsub', { xmlns:Strophe.NS.PUBSUB }).cnode(publish_elem);
+	    this._connection.addHandler(call_back,
+				  null,
+				  'iq',
+				  null,
+				  pubid,
+				  null);
+	    this._connection.send(pub.tree());
+	    return pubid;
+	},
+	/*Function: items
+	  Used to retrieve the persistent items from the pubsub node.
+	*/
+	items: function(jid,service,node,ok_callback,error_back) {
+	    var pub = $iq({from:jid, to:service, type:'get'})
+	    //ask for all items
+	    pub.c('pubsub', 
+		{ xmlns:Strophe.NS.PUBSUB }).c('items',{node:node});
+	    return this._connection.sendIQ(pub.tree(),ok_callback,error_back);
+	},
+	/*Function: info
+	  Used to retrieve the persistent infos from the pubsub node.
+	*/
+	info: function(jid,service,node,ok_callback,error_back) {
+	    var pub = $iq({from:jid, to:service, type:'get'})
+	    //ask for all items
+	    pub.c('query', 
+		{ xmlns:'http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info', node:node });
+	    return this._connection.sendIQ(pub.tree(),ok_callback,error_back);
+	}