1 --
2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 -- FILE: utils.lua
4 -- USAGE: ./utils.lua
5 -- DESCRIPTION: A couple of functions
6 -- OPTIONS: ---
8 -- BUGS: ---
9 -- NOTES: ---
10 -- AUTHOR: Adrien Ramos (M), <adrien.ramos@upyum.com>
11 -- COMPANY:
12 -- VERSION: 1.0
13 -- CREATED: 07/08/2010 23:40:24 CEST
14 -- REVISION: ---
15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 --
18 local verse = require("verse");
19 local st = require("util.stanza");
21 -- Lit le fichier de configuration (par défaut config.lua) et stocke la configuration
22 -- dans la table config
23 function config_load(filename)
24 local filename = filename or "config.lua"
25 -- Config loading
26 local chunk, err = loadfile(filename);
27 if not chunk then
28 print("File or syntax error:", err);
29 return 1;
30 end
32 local config = {};
33 setfenv(chunk, setmetatable(config, {__index = _G}));
34 local ok, err = pcall(chunk);
35 if not ok then
36 print("Error while processing config:", err);
37 return 1;
38 end
39 setmetatable(config, nil)
40 return config;
41 end
43 function room_join(stream, room, nick)
44 if not nick or not room or not stream then
45 error("room_join needs the following arguments : stream room nick");
46 end
47 s = st.presence{from=stream.username.."@"..stream.host.."/"..stream.resource, to = room.jid.."/"..nick};
48 s:tag("x", {xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc"});
49 if room.password then
50 s:tag("password"):text(room.password);
51 end
52 print("XML OUT:", s);
53 stream:send(s);
54 end