1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Kazunori "jagarl" Ueno
3 * All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7 * are met:
8 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
9 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
10 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
11 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
12 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
13 * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
14 * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
15 *
26 */
28 #include<stdio.h>
29 #include<vector>
30 #include<list>
31 #include<algorithm>
33 #include"rect.h"
34 #include"event.h"
35 #include"font/font.h"
36 #include"font/text.h"
37 #include"SDL_rotozoom.h"
38 #include"system/file.h"
40 #include"picture.h"
42 using namespace std;
44 int print_blit=0;
45 inline void dprintf(const char* fmt, ...) {}
46 /* render.cc */
47 void DSurfaceBlitAlpha(Surface* src_o, const Rect& srcrect_o, Surface* dst_o, const Rect& dstrect_o, const unsigned char* alpha, const Rect& alpharect);
48 void DSurfaceBlitSaturate(Surface* src_o, const Rect& srcrect, Surface* dst_o, const Rect& dstrect, unsigned char alpha);
49 void DSurfaceBlitMultiply(Surface* src_o, const Rect& srcrect, Surface* dst_o, const Rect& dstrect);
50 void DSurfaceFill(Surface* src, const Rect& rect, int r, int g, int b, int a=0xff); // クリア
51 #if 0 /* DEBUG */
52 #include<sys/types.h>
53 #include<sys/time.h>
54 #define dprintf printf
55 static struct timeval tv;
56 void gettm(void) {
57 gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
58 }
59 int calctm(void) {
60 struct timeval tv2;
61 gettimeofday(&tv2, 0);
62 int n = (tv2.tv_sec-tv.tv_sec)*100000 + (tv2.tv_usec-tv.tv_usec)/10;
63 return n;
64 }
65 #endif
67 /******************************************
68 ** PicBase
69 */
70 PicBase::PicBase(const Rect& _rel_pos, PicContainer* _parent, int _attr) :
71 parent(_parent), rel_pos(_rel_pos), rel_solid_area(0,0,0,0), clip_area(0,0,0,0),
72 is_hidden(true), is_hidden_now(true), is_cached(false), attribute(_attr), surface_alpha_rect(0,0) {
74 if (parent) root = parent->root;
75 else root = 0;
76 surface_back = 0;
77 surface_own = 0;
78 surface_alpha = 0;
79 surface_x = 0; surface_y = 0;
80 surface_w = -1; surface_h = -1;
81 widget = 0;
82 attribute |= NO_PICTURE;
83 if ( (attribute & CACHE_BACK) && root) {
84 surface_back = root->NewSurface(rel_pos.width(), rel_pos.height(), NO_MASK);
85 }
87 if (parent) {
88 parent->children.push_back(this);
89 z_pos = parent->children.end(); z_pos--;
90 distance_root = parent->DistanceRoot() + 1;
91 } else {
92 distance_root = 1;
93 }
94 }
95 PicBase::~PicBase() {
96 ClearAnm();
97 if (widget) {
98 fprintf(stderr,"Warning: PicBase::~PicBase: surface is disallocated but widget is still alive.\n");
99 widget->deactivate();
100 }
101 if (surface_back) root->DeleteSurface(surface_back);
102 if (surface_own && (attribute & SURFACE_FREE)) root->DeleteSurface(surface_own);
103 if (surface_alpha && (attribute & ALPHA_FREE)) delete surface_alpha;
104 iterator it;
105 if (parent) { // 自分を親から削除
106 parent->children.remove(this);
107 // root の update 情報から自分を削除
108 parent->Root().DeleteUpdatePic(this);
109 // 自分の領域を書き直す
110 Rect old_ppos = rel_pos;
111 parent->QueryAbsPos(old_ppos);
112 parent->ReBlit(old_ppos);
113 }
114 }
115 void PicBase::Blit(const Rect& rpos_orig) {
116 // 実際に描画する領域を得る
117 Rect rpos = rpos_orig;
118 // 親widget上に設定されたclip area 内に描画を限定する
119 if (clip_area.width() != 0) {
120 Rect clip = clip_area;
121 clip = child_pos(clip, this);
122 rpos.intersect(clip);
123 }
124 Rect apos = QueryAbsPos(rpos);
125 if (rpos.empty()) return;
126 // 必要に応じて保存、描画
127 if (attribute & CACHE_BACK) root->BlitSurface(root->surface, apos, surface_back, rpos);
128 if (! (attribute & NO_PICTURE)) {
129 rpos.rmove(surface_x, surface_y);
130 if (surface_w >= 0 && surface_h >= 0) {
131 Rect clip(surface_x, surface_y, surface_x+surface_w, surface_y+surface_h);
132 rpos.intersect(clip);
133 }
134 //if (apos.ty < 200) fprintf(stderr,"Blit: %08x : (%d,%d,%d,%d) -> (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",surface_own,rpos_orig.lx,rpos_orig.ty,rpos_orig.rx,rpos_orig.by,apos.lx,apos.ty,apos.rx,apos.by);
135 root->BlitSurface(surface_own, rpos, surface_alpha, surface_alpha_rect, root->surface, apos, attribute);
136 rpos.rmove(-surface_x, -surface_y);
137 } else if (parent == 0) { // 親がいないなら背景消去の責任をもつ
138 DSurfaceFill(root->surface, apos, 0, 0, 0);
139 }
140 PicContainer* cur = dynamic_cast<PicContainer*>(this);
141 if (cur && (!cur->children.empty())) {
142 cur->BlitChildren(rpos);
143 }
144 }
145 void PicBase::SimpleBlit(Surface* screen) {
146 // 実際に描画する領域を得る
147 Rect rpos(0, 0, rel_pos.width(), rel_pos.height());
148 Rect apos = QueryAbsPos(rpos);
149 if (rpos.empty()) return;
150 rpos.rmove(surface_x, surface_y);
151 if (surface_w >= 0 && surface_h >= 0) {
152 Rect clip(surface_x, surface_y, surface_x+surface_w, surface_y+surface_h);
153 rpos.intersect(clip);
154 }
155 //if (apos.ty < 200) fprintf(stderr,"S-Blit: %08x : (%d,%d,%d,%d) -> (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",surface_own,rel_pos.lx,rel_pos.ty,rel_pos.rx,rel_pos.by,apos.lx,apos.ty,apos.rx,apos.by);
156 root->BlitSurface(surface_own, rpos, surface_alpha, surface_alpha_rect, screen, apos, attribute);
157 }
159 Rect PicBase::QueryAbsPos(Rect& rpos) {
160 rpos.intersect(Rect(0, 0, rel_pos.width(), rel_pos.height()));
161 if (parent == 0) { // root container
162 return rpos;
163 }
164 // 親の座標に変換後、Query する
165 Rect ppos = parent_pos(rpos);
166 Rect apos = parent->QueryAbsPos(ppos);
167 rpos = child_pos(ppos, this);
168 return apos;
169 };
170 void PicBase::ReBlit(const Rect& rpos_c) {
171 Rect rpos = rpos_c;
172 Rect apos = QueryAbsPos(rpos);
174 root->Update(this, rpos, apos);
175 }
176 void PicBase::ExecReBlit(const Rect& rpos_c) {
177 Rect rpos = rpos_c;
178 Rect abs_r = QueryAbsPos(rpos);
179 Rect ppos = parent_pos(rpos);
180 if(print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"back.");
181 if (parent) parent->BlitBack(z_pos, ppos);
182 if(print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"self.");
183 if (!is_hidden_now) Blit(rpos);
184 if(print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"front.");
185 if (parent) parent->BlitFront(z_pos, ppos);
186 if(print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"end.");
187 }
189 void PicBase::ZMove(PicBase* move_to) {
190 if (parent == 0) {
191 fprintf(stderr,"Warning: PicBase::ZMove is called by root.\n");
192 return;
193 }
194 if (move_to == ZMOVE_TOP) {
195 if (this == parent->children.back()) return;
196 } else if (move_to == ZMOVE_BOTTOM) {
197 if (this == parent->children.front()) return;
198 } else if (move_to == this) {
199 fprintf(stderr,"Error: PicBase::ZMove : move in front of itself!\n");
200 return;
201 } else if (move_to && move_to->parent != parent) {
202 fprintf(stderr,"Error: PicBase::ZMove was called with a no-brother picture\n");
203 return;
204 }
205 // move_to と zpos のうち、後ろの方の picture から書きなおす必要がある
206 iterator redraw_zpos = z_pos; redraw_zpos++;
207 if (move_to == ZMOVE_BOTTOM) { // 最背面へ
208 parent->children.erase(z_pos);
209 parent->children.push_front(this);
210 z_pos = parent->children.begin();
211 redraw_zpos = parent->children.begin();
212 } else if (move_to == ZMOVE_TOP) { // 最前面へ
213 redraw_zpos = z_pos; redraw_zpos++;
214 parent->children.erase(z_pos);
215 parent->children.push_back(this);
216 z_pos = parent->children.end(); z_pos--;
217 } else {
218 int dis_to = distance(move_to->parent->children.begin(), move_to->z_pos);
219 int dis_cur = distance(parent->children.begin(), z_pos);
220 if (dis_cur < dis_to) redraw_zpos = move_to->z_pos;
221 parent->children.erase(z_pos);
222 iterator insert_pos = move_to->z_pos; insert_pos++;
223 parent->children.insert(insert_pos, this);
224 z_pos = move_to->z_pos; z_pos++;
225 }
226 if (! is_hidden_now) {
227 is_cached = false;
228 ReBlit();
229 /* @@@ parent->Blit() と Blit() の違いが分からないので修正 06/12/02
230 Rect ppos = rel_pos;
231 parent->QueryAbsPos(ppos);
232 parent->ReBlit(ppos);
233 */
234 }
235 };
236 void PicBase::RMove(int add_x, int add_y) {
237 Rect old_ppos = rel_pos;
238 rel_pos.rmove(add_x, add_y);
239 parent->QueryAbsPos(old_ppos);
240 parent->ReBlit(old_ppos);
241 ReBlit();
243 if (widget) {
244 Rect new_ppos = rel_pos;
245 Rect new_apos = parent->QueryAbsPos(new_ppos);
246 widget->SetRegion(new_apos);
247 }
248 }
249 void PicBase::Move(int new_rx, int new_ry) {
250 RMove(new_rx-rel_pos.lx, new_ry-rel_pos.ty);
251 }
252 void PicBase::SetEventWidget(PicWidget* new_widget) {
253 widget = new_widget;
254 if (widget) {
255 Rect new_ppos = rel_pos;
256 Rect apos = parent->QueryAbsPos(new_ppos);
257 widget->SetRegion(apos);
258 }
259 }
260 void PicBase::show_all(void) {
261 PicContainer* cont = dynamic_cast<PicContainer*>(this);
262 if (cont && (!cont->children.empty())) cont->set_showflag();
263 show();
264 }
265 bool PicBase::IsParent(PicBase* to) {
266 if (parent == 0) return false;
267 if (parent == to) return true;
268 return parent->IsParent(to);
269 }
270 void PicBase::show(void) {
271 /* 自分の親がすべて shown か? */
272 PicContainer* cur;
273 for (cur = parent; cur != 0; cur = cur->parent)
274 if (cur->is_hidden) break;
275 if (cur) { // 親が隠れているので表示はしない
276 is_hidden = false;
277 is_hidden_now = true;
278 return;
279 }
280 if (is_hidden == false) return; // すでに表示されているのでなにもしない
281 if (widget) {
282 widget->activate();
283 }
284 is_hidden = false;
285 is_hidden_now = false;
286 is_cached = false;
287 cur = dynamic_cast<PicContainer*>(this);
288 if (cur && (!cur->children.empty())) cur->set_nowhiddenflag(false);
289 ReBlit();
290 }
291 void PicBase::hide(void) {
292 if (is_hidden) return;
293 if (widget) {
294 widget->deactivate();
295 }
296 is_hidden = true;
297 is_hidden_now = true;
298 is_cached = false;
299 PicContainer* cur = dynamic_cast<PicContainer*>(this);
300 if (cur && (!cur->children.empty())) cur->set_nowhiddenflag(true);
301 ReBlit();
302 }
303 void PicBase::SetSurfaceAlpha(const unsigned char* alpha, const Rect& alpha_r) {
304 if (attribute & ALPHA_FREE) {
305 if (surface_alpha) delete[] surface_alpha;
306 surface_alpha = 0;
307 }
308 surface_alpha = alpha;
309 surface_alpha_rect = alpha_r;
310 if (!is_hidden) ReBlit();
311 }
312 void PicBase::SetSurfaceColorKey(int r, int g, int b) {
313 surface_alpha = 0;
314 surface_alpha_rect = Rect(0,0);
315 attribute &= ~(BLIT_SATURATE | BLIT_MULTIPLY);
316 if (surface_own) {
317 int key = SDL_MapRGB( ((SDL_Surface*)surface_own)->format, r, g, b);
318 key |= 0xff000000;
319 SDL_SetColorKey( (SDL_Surface*)surface_own, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, key);
320 }
321 if (!is_hidden) ReBlit();
322 }
323 void PicBase::SetSurfaceAlphaFile(const char* file) {
325 /* ファイルを元に alpha 画像を作成する */
326 /* ファイル: パルフェの 'fil' ファイル */
327 ARCINFO* info = file_searcher.Find(FILESEARCH::PDT, file,"fil");
328 if (info == 0) return;
329 char* new_alpha = info->CopyRead();
330 int alpha_size = info->Size();
331 delete info;
332 Rect sr(0,0); int w,h;
333 if (surface_own == 0 || new_alpha == 0) {
334 err_ret:
335 if (new_alpha) delete[] new_alpha;
336 SetSurfaceAlpha(0,Rect(0,0));
337 return;
338 }
339 sr = Rect(*surface_own);
340 w = sr.width();
341 h = sr.height();
342 if (alpha_size < w*h) goto err_ret;
343 int i,j;
344 if ( ((SDL_Surface*)surface_own)->format->Amask == 0) { // mask を surface に繰り込む
345 Surface* dest = root->NewSurface(w,h, ALPHA_MASK);
346 for (i=0; i<h; i++) {
347 char* a = new_alpha + w*i;
348 char* s = (char*)((SDL_Surface*)surface_own)->pixels + ((SDL_Surface*)surface_own)->pitch*i;
349 char* d = (char*)((SDL_Surface*)dest)->pixels + ((SDL_Surface*)dest)->pitch*i;
350 int sbpp = ((SDL_Surface*)surface_own)->format->BytesPerPixel;
351 int dbpp = ((SDL_Surface*)dest)->format->BytesPerPixel;
353 for (j=0; j<w; j++) {
354 int d = read_little_endian_int(s);
355 d &= 0xffffff;
356 if (d == 0) ;
357 else if (*a == 0) d |= 0xff000000;
358 else d |= (int(*a) << 24);
359 s += sbpp; d += dbpp; a++;
360 }
361 }
362 delete new_alpha;
363 root->DeleteSurface(surface_own);
364 surface_own = dest;
365 SetSurfaceAlpha(0, Rect(0,0));
366 } else { // 外部にマスク作成
367 /* マスクのうち、0xff であるべき部分を画像から判別、変更する */
368 for (i=0; i<h; i++) {
369 char* a = new_alpha + w*i;
370 char* s = (char*)((SDL_Surface*)surface_own)->pixels + ((SDL_Surface*)surface_own)->pitch*i;
371 int bpp = ((SDL_Surface*)surface_own)->format->BytesPerPixel;
372 for (j=0; j<w; j++) {
373 if ( ((*(int*)s) & 0xffffff) == 0) *a = 0;
374 else if (*a == 0) *a = 0xff;
375 s += bpp; a++;
376 }
377 }
378 SetSurfaceAlpha( (unsigned char*)new_alpha, Rect(0,0,w,h));
379 attribute |= ALPHA_FREE;
380 }
381 }
382 void PicBase::SetSurface(const char* filename, int x, int y) {
383 Surface* s = root->NewSurface(filename);
384 SetSurface(s, x, y, SURFACE_FREE);
385 }
386 void PicBase::SetSurface(Surface* new_surface, int x, int y, int new_attr) {
387 if (surface_own && (attribute & SURFACE_FREE)) {
388 root->DeleteSurface(surface_own);
389 }
391 attribute |= new_attr;
392 surface_own = new_surface;
393 surface_x = x;
394 surface_y = y;
395 surface_w = -1;
396 surface_h = -1;
398 if (attribute & FIT_SURFACE) {
399 // surface の大きさに自分の大きさを変更
400 parent->ReBlit(rel_pos);
401 if (surface_own == 0) {
402 rel_pos = Rect(rel_pos.lx, rel_pos.ty);
403 } else {
404 Rect r(*surface_own);
405 int w = r.width(), h = r.height();
406 w -= x; h -= y;
407 rel_pos = Rect(rel_pos.lx, rel_pos.ty, rel_pos.lx+w, rel_pos.ty+h);
408 }
409 }
411 rel_solid_area = Rect(0,0,0,0);
412 if (! surface_own) attribute |= NO_PICTURE;
413 else if (root->with_mask(surface_own) == 0) {
414 attribute |= SOLID;
415 rel_solid_area = rel_pos;
416 }
417 if (!is_hidden) ReBlit();
418 }
419 void PicBase::SetSurfacePos(int x, int y) {
420 if (surface_x == x && surface_y == y && surface_w == -1 && surface_h == -1) return;
421 surface_x = x; surface_y = y;
422 surface_w = -1; surface_h = -1;
423 if (!is_hidden_now) ReBlit();
424 }
425 int PicBase::SurfacePosX(void) {
426 return surface_x;
427 }
428 int PicBase::SurfacePosY(void) {
429 return surface_y;
430 }
431 void PicBase::SetSurfaceRect(const Rect& r) {
432 if (surface_x == r.lx && surface_y == r.ty && surface_w == r.width() && surface_h == r.height()) return;
433 surface_x = r.lx; surface_y = r.ty;
434 surface_w = r.width(); surface_h = r.height();
435 parent->ReBlit(rel_pos);
436 rel_pos = Rect(rel_pos.lx, rel_pos.ty, rel_pos.lx+surface_w, rel_pos.ty+surface_h);
437 if (widget) {
438 Rect new_ppos = rel_pos;
439 Rect apos = parent->QueryAbsPos(new_ppos);
440 widget->SetRegion(apos);
441 }
442 if (!is_hidden_now) ReBlit();
443 }
444 void PicBase::SetClipArea(const Rect& r) {
445 if (clip_area == r) return;
446 clip_area = r;
447 parent->ReBlit(rel_pos);
448 }
450 void PicBase::SetSurfaceAttribute(int new_attribute) {
451 attribute &= ~(BLIT_SATURATE | BLIT_MULTIPLY);
452 attribute |= new_attribute & (BLIT_SATURATE | BLIT_MULTIPLY);
453 if (new_attribute & (BLIT_SATURATE | BLIT_MULTIPLY)) {
454 rel_solid_area = Rect(0,0);
455 }
456 }
457 void PicBase::SetSurfaceFreeFlag(bool flag) {
458 if (flag) attribute |= SURFACE_FREE;
459 else attribute &= ~SURFACE_FREE;
461 }
463 /******************************************
464 ** PicContainer
465 */
466 PicContainer::PicContainer(const Rect& rel_pos, PicContainer* parent, int attr) :
467 PicBase(rel_pos, parent, attr) {
468 }
469 PicContainer::~PicContainer() {
470 iterator end = children.end();
471 for (iterator it = children.begin(); it != end; ) {
472 iterator it_next = it; it_next++;
473 if ((*it)->widget) delete (*it)->widget; // picture にwidget が付属しているなら、そちらをdelete
474 else delete (*it);
475 it = it_next;
476 }
477 }
478 void PicContainer::BlitBack(iterator z, Rect rpos) {
479 rpos.intersect(Rect(0, 0, rel_pos.width(), rel_pos.height()));
480 if (rpos.empty()) return;
481 iterator end = children.end(), begin = children.begin(); iterator it = begin;
483 Rect ppos = parent_pos(rpos);
484 if (is_hidden_now) goto parent_redraw;
485 // cache されている領域を探す
486 // z自身がキャッシュしていれば、ここで終了
487 if ( ((*z)->attribute & CACHE_BACK) && ( (*z)->is_cached) && (*z)->rel_pos.is_inner(rpos)) {
488 Rect cpos = child_pos(rpos, *z);
489 Rect apos = (*z)->QueryAbsPos(cpos);
490 root->BlitSurface( (*z)->surface_back, cpos, root->surface, apos);
491 return;
492 }
493 // z より下の子がキャッシュ、あるいは SOLID 描画できないか?
494 for (it = z; it != begin;) { // 子がcontainerの場合のチェックは省略
495 it--;
496 if ( (*it)->is_hidden_now) continue;
497 if ( (*it)->rel_pos.is_crossed(rpos)) {
498 if ( ((*it)->attribute & CACHE_BACK) && ((*it)->is_cached) && (*it)->rel_pos.is_inner(rpos)) {
499 Rect cpos = child_pos(rpos, *it);
500 Rect apos = (*it)->QueryAbsPos(cpos);
501 root->BlitSurface( (*it)->surface_back, cpos, root->surface, apos);
502 goto children_redraw;
503 }
504 if ( (*it)->rel_solid_area.is_inner(rpos)) {
505 goto children_redraw;
506 }
507 }
508 }
509 // 自分自身がキャッシュ、あるいは SOLID 描画できないか?
510 if (rel_solid_area.is_inner(ppos)) {
511 goto self_redraw;
512 }
513 if ( (attribute & CACHE_BACK) && is_cached) {
514 Rect cpos = child_pos(rpos, *z);
515 Rect apos = (*z)->QueryAbsPos(cpos);
516 Rect draw_rpos = (*z)->parent_pos(cpos);
517 if(print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"cahce.");
518 root->BlitSurface(surface_back, draw_rpos, root->surface, apos);
519 goto self_redraw;
520 }
521 parent_redraw:
522 if (parent) {
523 Rect ppos = parent_pos(rpos);
524 if(print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"parent-back.");
525 parent->BlitBack(z_pos, ppos);
526 }
527 if (is_hidden_now) return;
528 self_redraw:
529 if(print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"back-self.");
530 BlitSelf(rpos); // 子は描画せず、自分だけ描画
531 children_redraw:
532 for (; it != z; it++) {
533 if ( (*it)->is_hidden_now) continue;
534 if ( (*it)->rel_pos.is_crossed(rpos)) {
535 Rect cpos = child_pos(rpos, *it);
536 (*it)->Blit(cpos);
537 }
538 }
539 }
540 void PicContainer::BlitChildren(Rect rpos) {
541 if (print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"bc.");
542 iterator end = children.end();
543 for (iterator it = children.begin(); it != end; it++) {
544 if ( (*it)->is_hidden_now) if(print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"bch %08x;",*it);
545 if ( (*it)->is_hidden_now) continue;
546 if ( (*it)->rel_pos.is_crossed(rpos)) {
547 Rect cpos = child_pos(rpos, *it);
548 (*it)->Blit(cpos);
549 }
550 }
551 }
552 void PicContainer::BlitFront(iterator z, Rect rpos) {
553 rpos.intersect(Rect(0, 0, rel_pos.width(), rel_pos.height()));
554 if (rpos.empty()) return;
555 iterator end = children.end(); iterator it;
556 z++;
557 for (it = z; it != end; it++) {
558 if ( (*it)->is_hidden_now) continue;
559 if ( (*it)->rel_pos.is_crossed(rpos)) {
560 Rect cpos = child_pos(rpos, *it);
561 (*it)->Blit(cpos);
562 }
563 }
564 if (parent) {
565 Rect ppos = parent_pos(rpos);
566 parent->BlitFront(z_pos, ppos);
567 }
568 };
569 void PicContainer::BlitSelf(Rect rpos) {
570 // 実際に描画する領域を得る
571 rpos.intersect(Rect(0, 0, rel_pos.width(), rel_pos.height()));
572 if (rpos.empty()) return;
573 Rect apos = QueryAbsPos(rpos);
574 // 必要に応じて保存、描画
575 if(print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"self-back.");
576 if (attribute & CACHE_BACK) root->BlitSurface(root->surface, apos, surface_back, rpos);
577 if (! (attribute & NO_PICTURE)) {
578 rpos.rmove(surface_x, surface_y);
579 if (surface_w >= 0 && surface_h >= 0) {
580 Rect clip(0, 0, surface_w, surface_h);
581 clip.rmove(rpos.lx, rpos.ty);
582 rpos.intersect(clip);
583 }
584 if(print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"self-blit.");
585 root->BlitSurface(surface_own, rpos, surface_alpha, surface_alpha_rect, root->surface, apos, attribute);
586 } else if (parent == 0) { // 親がいないなら背景消去の責任をもつ
587 DSurfaceFill(root->surface, apos, 0, 0, 0);
588 }
589 }
591 void PicContainer::set_showflag(void) {
592 iterator end = children.end();
593 for (iterator it = children.begin(); it != end; it++) {
594 (*it)->is_hidden = false;
595 PicContainer* next = dynamic_cast<PicContainer*>(*it);
596 if (next && (!next->children.empty())) next->set_showflag();
597 }
598 }
599 void PicContainer::set_nowhiddenflag(bool is_hide) {
600 iterator end = children.end();
601 for (iterator it = children.begin(); it != end; it++) {
602 if (is_hide) (*it)->is_hidden_now = true;
603 else (*it)->is_hidden_now = (*it)->is_hidden;
604 if ( (*it)->widget) {
605 if ((*it)->is_hidden_now) (*it)->widget->deactivate();
606 else (*it)->widget->activate();
607 }
608 PicContainer* next = dynamic_cast<PicContainer*>(*it);
609 if (next && (!next->children.empty())) next->set_nowhiddenflag(is_hide);
610 }
611 }
612 void PicContainer::RMove(int add_x, int add_y) { // event widget の移動があり得るので子についてもRMoveを呼び出す
613 PicBase::RMove(add_x, add_y);
614 iterator end = children.end();
615 for (iterator it = children.begin(); it != end; it++) {
616 (*it)->RMove(0,0);
617 }
618 }
620 PicBase* PicContainer::create_leaf(const Rect& rel_pos, int attr) {
621 return new PicBase(rel_pos, this, attr);
622 }
623 PicContainer* PicContainer::create_node(const Rect& rel_pos, int attr) {
624 return new PicContainer(rel_pos, this, attr);
625 }
627 /***************************************************************
628 **
629 ** PicWidget
630 */
632 PicWidget::PicWidget(void) {
633 pic = 0;
634 }
635 PicWidget::~PicWidget() {
636 if (pic) {
637 pic->SetEventWidget(0);
638 delete pic;
639 }
640 pic = 0;
641 }
642 void PicWidget::SetPic(PicBase* new_pic) {
643 if (pic) {
644 pic->SetEventWidget(0);
645 delete pic;
646 }
647 pic = new_pic;
648 if (pic) pic->SetEventWidget(this);
649 }
650 PicBase* PicWidget::Pic(void) {
651 if (pic == 0) {
652 fprintf(stderr,"Error: PicWidget::Pic returns zero.\n");
653 }
654 return pic;
655 }
656 PicContainer* PicWidget::PicNode(void) {
657 PicContainer* node = dynamic_cast<PicContainer*>(pic);
658 if (node == 0) {
659 fprintf(stderr,"Error: PicWidget::PicNode returns zero.\n");
660 }
661 return node;
662 }
664 /******************************************
665 ** FileToSurface
666 */
668 #include<list>
669 #include<map>
670 #include<string>
671 using namespace std;
672 struct SurfaceIndex {
673 typedef list<SurfaceIndex*>::iterator qiterator;
674 string filename;
675 Surface* surface;
676 qiterator qpos;
677 int ref_count;
678 };
680 class FileToSurface {
681 typedef list<SurfaceIndex*>::iterator qiterator;
683 list<SurfaceIndex*> queue;
684 map<string, SurfaceIndex*> findex;
685 map<Surface*, SurfaceIndex*> mindex;
686 int count;
687 int count_max;
688 const PicRoot& root;
689 bool DeleteData(SurfaceIndex* data);
690 Surface* LoadSurface(string name, char*& mem);
691 public:
692 FileToSurface(const PicRoot& root);
693 ~FileToSurface(void);
694 Surface* Load(string name);
695 bool Free(Surface* s);
696 };
698 FileToSurface::FileToSurface(const PicRoot& _root) : root(_root) {
699 count = 0;
700 count_max = 32; // キャッシュ量(決め打ち)
701 };
702 FileToSurface::~FileToSurface() {
703 qiterator it;
704 for (it=queue.begin(); it != queue.end(); it++) {
705 if ( (*it)->ref_count) {
706 fprintf(stderr, "Warning: FileToSurface: delete referenced surface named '%s'\n",(*it)->filename.c_str());
707 }
708 root.DeleteSurfaceImpl( (*it)->surface);
709 delete *it;
710 }
711 }
712 inline bool FileToSurface::DeleteData(SurfaceIndex* data) {
713 if ( data->ref_count) return false;
714 findex.erase(data->filename);
715 mindex.erase(data->surface);
716 queue.erase(data->qpos);
717 root.DeleteSurfaceImpl(data->surface);
718 delete data;
719 count--;
720 return true;
721 }
722 inline Surface* FileToSurface::LoadSurface(string name, char*& mem) {
723 ARCINFO* info = file_searcher.Find(FILESEARCH::PDT, name.c_str(),"pdt");
724 if (info == 0) return 0;
725 GRPCONV* conv = GRPCONV::AssignConverter(info);
726 if (conv == 0) { delete info;return 0;}
727 mem = (char*)malloc(conv->Width() * conv->Height() * 4 + 1024);
728 Surface* s = 0;
729 if (conv->Read(mem)) {
730 MaskType is_mask = conv->IsMask() ? ALPHA_MASK : NO_MASK;
731 if (is_mask == ALPHA_MASK) { // alpha がすべて 0xff ならマスク無しとする
732 int len = conv->Width()*conv->Height();
733 unsigned int* d = (unsigned int*)mem;
734 int i; for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
735 if ( (*d&0xff000000) != 0xff000000) break;
736 d++;
737 }
738 if (i == len) {
739 is_mask = NO_MASK;
740 }
741 }
742 s = root.NewSurfaceFromRGBAData(conv->Width(), conv->Height(), mem, is_mask);
743 }
744 delete conv; delete info; // delete data;
745 return s;
746 }
747 Surface* FileToSurface::Load(string name) {
748 if (findex.find(name) != findex.end()) {
749 findex[name]->ref_count++;
750 return findex[name]->surface;
751 }
752 char* mem;
753 Surface* surface = LoadSurface(name, mem);
754 if (surface == 0) return 0;
756 while (count >= count_max) { // count_max 以上のデータを可能なら削除する
757 qiterator it;
758 for (it=queue.begin(); it != queue.end(); it++) {
759 if (DeleteData(*it)) break;
760 }
761 if (it == queue.end()) break; // 全データが使用中なら終了
762 }
763 SurfaceIndex* new_index = new SurfaceIndex;
764 new_index->filename = name;
765 new_index->surface = surface;
766 findex[name] = new_index;
767 mindex[surface] = new_index;
768 queue.push_back(new_index);
769 new_index->qpos = queue.end(); new_index->qpos--;
770 new_index->ref_count = 1;
771 count++;
772 return surface;
773 }
774 bool FileToSurface::Free(Surface* s) {
775 if (mindex.find(s) == mindex.end()) {
776 return false;
777 }
778 SurfaceIndex* index = mindex[s];
779 if (index->ref_count == 0) DeleteData(index);
780 else index->ref_count--;
781 return true;
782 }
784 /******************************************
785 ** PicRoot
786 */
787 #include<SDL.h>
789 #include"surface.h"
791 #define DefaultRmask 0xff0000
792 #define DefaultGmask 0xff00
793 #define DefaultBmask 0xff
794 #define DefaultAmask 0xff000000
795 #define DefaultBpp 32
797 PicRoot::PicRoot(void) {
798 hw_surface = (Surface*)SDL_GetVideoSurface();
799 SDL_PixelFormat* fmt_SDL = hw_surface->format;
800 if (fmt_SDL->BitsPerPixel == DefaultBpp && fmt_SDL->Rmask == DefaultRmask && fmt_SDL->Gmask == DefaultGmask && fmt_SDL->Bmask == DefaultBmask) {
801 surface = hw_surface;
802 } else {
803 surface = (Surface*)SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, hw_surface->w, hw_surface->h, DefaultBpp, DefaultRmask, DefaultGmask, DefaultBmask, 0);
804 }
806 Rect rpos(0, 0, surface->w, surface->h);
807 root = new PicContainer(rpos, 0, 0);
808 root->InitRoot(this);
809 root->show();
810 ftosurface = new FileToSurface(*this);
811 width = surface->w;
812 height = surface->h;
813 return;
814 }
815 PicRoot::~PicRoot() {
816 // if (surface) DeleteSurfaceImpl(surface); // SDL_GetVideoSurface() した surface は開放の必要がないらしい
817 surface = 0;
818 delete root;
819 delete ftosurface;
820 }
821 void PicRoot::Update(PicBase* pic, const Rect& rpos, const Rect& apos) {
822 update_rects.push_back(UpdateItem(pic, rpos, apos));
823 }
824 bool PicRoot::UpdateItem::less(const PicRoot::UpdateItem& a, const PicRoot::UpdateItem& b) {
825 return a.pic->DistanceRoot() < b.pic->DistanceRoot();
826 }
827 void PicRoot::DeleteUpdatePic(PicBase* pic) {
828 vector<UpdateItem>::iterator it = update_rects.begin();
829 while(it != update_rects.end()) {
830 if (it->pic == pic) {
831 update_rects.erase(it);
832 it = update_rects.begin();
833 continue;
834 }
835 it++;
836 }
837 return;
838 }
839 void PicRoot::ExecUpdate(void) {
840 /* 共通する領域を消去する */
841 sort(update_rects.begin(), update_rects.end(), UpdateItem::less);
842 vector<UpdateItem>::iterator it;
843 vector<UpdateItem>::iterator end = update_rects.end();
844 if(print_blit){
845 fprintf(stderr,"ExecUpdate Start: \n\t");
846 for (it=update_rects.begin(); it != end; it++) {
847 fprintf(stderr,"(%d,%d,%d,%d), ",it->apos.lx,it->apos.ty,it->apos.rx,it->apos.by);
848 }
849 fprintf(stderr,"\n");
850 }
851 for (it=update_rects.begin(); it != end; it++) {
852 if (it->rpos.width() == 0) continue;
854 Rect apos = it->apos;
855 PicBase* pic = it->pic;
857 vector<UpdateItem>::iterator jt = it; jt++;
858 for (; jt != end; jt++) {
859 if (apos.is_inner(jt->apos)) {
860 if (jt->pic == pic || jt->pic->IsParent(pic)) { // 親が共通、かつ領域も共通
861 jt->rpos = Rect(0,0); // empty rect をセット
862 jt->apos = Rect(0,0);
863 }
864 } else if (jt->apos.is_inner(apos)) { // 相手に自分が包含される
865 if (jt->pic == pic || jt->pic->IsParent(pic)) { // 親が共通、かつ領域も共通
866 it->rpos = Rect(0,0);
867 it->apos = Rect(0,0);
868 break;
869 }
870 }
871 }
872 }
873 if(print_blit){
874 fprintf(stderr,"->\t");
875 for (it=update_rects.begin(); it != end; it++) {
876 fprintf(stderr,"(%d,%d,%d,%d), ",it->apos.lx,it->apos.ty,it->apos.rx,it->apos.by);
877 }
878 fprintf(stderr,"\n");
879 }
881 int num = update_rects.size();
882 SDL_Rect* r = new SDL_Rect[num];
883 Rect confine = Rect(0, 0, surface->w, surface->h);
884 int n = 0;
885 int i;
886 for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
887 UpdateItem& item = update_rects[i];
888 Rect& ur = item.apos;
889 if (ur.width() == 0) continue;
890 if(print_blit)fprintf(stderr,"%08x: %d,%d,%d,%d",item.pic, item.apos.lx, item.apos.ty, item.apos.rx, item.apos.by);
892 item.pic->ExecReBlit(item.rpos);
893 if(print_blit)fprintf(stderr,"\n");
894 ur.intersect(confine);
895 r[n].x = ur.lx;
896 r[n].y = ur.ty;
897 r[n].w = ur.rx - ur.lx;
898 r[n].h = ur.by - ur.ty;
899 if (surface != hw_surface) SDL_BlitSurface(surface, &r[n], hw_surface, &r[n]);
900 n++;
901 }
902 if(print_blit)fprintf(stderr,"\n");
903 SDL_UpdateRects(hw_surface, n, r);
904 delete[] r; update_rects.clear();
905 }
907 Surface* PicRoot::NewSurface(int w, int h, MaskType with_mask) const {
908 Surface* s;
909 if (with_mask == ALPHA_MASK) {
910 s = (Surface*)SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SRCALPHA, w, h, DefaultBpp, DefaultRmask, DefaultGmask, DefaultBmask, DefaultAmask);
911 } else {
912 s = (Surface*)SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, DefaultBpp, DefaultRmask, DefaultGmask, DefaultBmask, 0);
913 }
914 return s;
915 }
917 Surface* PicRoot::NewSurfaceFromRGBAData(int w, int h, char* data, MaskType with_mask) const {
918 int amask = (with_mask == ALPHA_MASK) ? DefaultAmask : 0;
919 Surface* s = (Surface*)SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(data, w, h, DefaultBpp, w*4, DefaultRmask, DefaultGmask, DefaultBmask, amask);
920 s->flags &= ~SDL_PREALLOC;
921 return s;
922 };
923 Surface* PicRoot::NewSurface(const char* f, MaskType with_mask) {
924 if (f == 0) return 0;
925 Surface* s = ftosurface->Load(f);
926 if (s == 0) return 0;
927 if (with_mask == COLOR_MASK) {
928 SDL_SetColorKey( (SDL_Surface*)s, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, *(Uint32*)s->pixels);
929 }
930 /* xkanon の残骸 */
931 if (strcmp(f, "grdat") == 0)
932 SDL_SetColorKey(s, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, 0x55aa66);
933 return s;
934 }
935 Surface* PicRoot::RotZoomSurface(Surface* from, double zoom, double rotate) {
936 Surface* ret = (Surface*)rotozoomSurface( (SDL_Surface*)from, rotate, zoom, SMOOTHING_OFF);
937 return ret;
938 }
939 void PicRoot::DeleteSurfaceImpl(Surface* s) const {
940 SDL_FreeSurface(s);
941 }
942 void PicRoot::DeleteSurface(Surface* s) {
943 if (!ftosurface->Free(s))
944 DeleteSurfaceImpl(s);
945 }
946 inline SDL_Rect SDLed(const Rect& rect) {
947 SDL_Rect r;
948 r.x = rect.lx;
949 r.y = rect.ty;
950 r.w = rect.rx-rect.lx;
951 r.h = rect.by-rect.ty;
952 return r;
953 }
955 #ifndef ALPHA_MAX
956 #define ALPHA_MAX 255
957 #endif
958 void PicRoot::BlitSurface(Surface* src, const Rect& src_r, const unsigned char* alpha, const Rect& alpha_r, Surface* dest, const Rect& dest_r, int attribute) const {
959 if (print_blit) fprintf(stderr," s %08x %d:%d:%d:%d;",src, dest_r.lx, dest_r.ty, dest_r.rx, dest_r.by);
960 SDL_Rect sr = SDLed(src_r); SDL_Rect dr = SDLed(dest_r);
961 special_blit:
962 if (attribute & PicBase::BLIT_MULTIPLY) {
963 if (print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"M");
964 DSurfaceBlitMultiply(src, src_r, dest, dest_r);
965 return;
966 } else if (attribute & PicBase::BLIT_SATURATE) {
967 if (src->format->Amask != 0) goto normal_blit;
968 if (print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"S");
969 unsigned char a = 255;
970 if (alpha && alpha_r.width() >= 1 && alpha_r.height() >= 1) a = *alpha;
971 DSurfaceBlitSaturate(src, src_r, dest, dest_r, a);
972 return;
973 }
974 normal_blit:
975 if (print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"N");
976 if (alpha == 0 || alpha_r.width() == 0) { // simple blit
977 if (print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"X");
978 SDL_BlitSurface(src, &sr, dest, &dr);
979 return;
980 }
981 if (alpha_r.width() == 1 && alpha_r.height() == 1) {
982 if (*alpha == 255) {
983 if (print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"Y");
984 SDL_BlitSurface(src, &sr, dest, &dr);
985 return;
986 }
987 if (src->format->Amask == 0) { // use per-surface alpha
988 if (print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"Z");
989 SDL_SetAlpha(src, SDL_SRCALPHA, *alpha);
990 SDL_BlitSurface(src, &sr, dest, &dr);
991 SDL_SetAlpha(src, 0, 0);
992 return;
993 }
994 }
995 // generic alpha blit
996 if (print_blit) fprintf(stderr,"W");
997 DSurfaceBlitAlpha(src, src_r, dest, dest_r, alpha, alpha_r);
998 return;
999 }
1001 bool PicRoot::with_mask(Surface* s) {
1002 return s->format->Amask != 0;
1003 }
1005 #if USE_X11
1006 #include<SDL_syswm.h>
1007 #include<X11/Xlib.h>
1008 #include<X11/Xutil.h>
1009 #endif /* USE_X11 */
1010 void PicRoot::SetWindowCaption(const char* caption) {
1011 #if USE_X11
1012 // SDL_WM_SetCaption(caption, 0);
1013 // SDLの関数では2バイト文字をサポートしてくれないので、同等の内容に修正
1014 SDL_SysWMinfo info;
1015 memset(&info,0,sizeof(info));
1016 SDL_VERSION(&(info.version));
1017 if (SDL_GetWMInfo(&info) == 1) {
1018 Display* display = info.info.x11.display;
1019 Window wm = info.info.x11.wmwindow;
1020 if (wm == 0) wm = info.info.x11.window;
1021 if (wm != 0) {
1022 XTextProperty titleprop;
1023 XmbTextListToTextProperty(display, (char**)&caption, 1, XCompoundTextStyle, &titleprop);
1024 XSetWMName(display, wm, &titleprop);
1025 XSetWMIconName(display, wm, &titleprop);
1026 XFree(titleprop.value);
1027 }
1028 XSync(display, False);
1029 }
1030 #endif /* USE_X11 */
1031 }
1033 /************************************************************
1034 ** PicAnm
1035 */
1037 void PicBase::ClearAnm(void) {
1038 while(!anm.empty()) {
1039 delete anm.back();
1040 }
1041 }
1042 PicAnm::PicAnm(PicBase* _pic) {
1043 pic.push_back(_pic);
1044 pic[0]->anm.push_back(this);
1045 return;
1047 }
1048 PicAnm::PicAnm(vector<PicBase*> _pic) : pic(_pic) {
1049 if (pic.empty()) return;
1050 pic[0]->anm.push_back(this);
1051 return;
1052 }
1053 PicAnm::~PicAnm() {
1054 vector<PicAnm*>::iterator it = find(pic[0]->anm.begin(), pic[0]->anm.end(), this);
1055 if (it == pic[0]->anm.end()) {
1056 fprintf(stderr,"Cannot found this in PicAnm::~PicAnm()");
1057 } else {
1058 pic[0]->anm.erase(it);
1059 }
1060 }