view pytouhou/game/ @ 269:729382f57ad0

Fix set_visible.
author Thibaut Girka <>
date Mon, 23 Jan 2012 23:00:55 +0100
parents dd621ad72beb
children 7a9135b88853
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
## Copyright (C) 2011 Thibaut Girka <>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.

from pytouhou.utils.interpolator import Interpolator
from pytouhou.vm.anmrunner import ANMRunner
from import Sprite
from import Bullet
from import Effect
from math import cos, sin, atan2, pi

class Enemy(object):
    def __init__(self, pos, life, _type, bonus_dropped, die_score, anm_wrapper, game):
        self._game = game
        self._anm_wrapper = anm_wrapper
        self._sprite = None
        self._anmrunner = None
        self._removed = False
        self._visible = True
        self._type = _type
        self._bonus_dropped = bonus_dropped
        self._die_score = die_score #TODO: use it
        self._was_visible = False

        self.frame = 0

        self.x, self.y = pos = 1 if life < 0 else life
        self.max_life = life
        self.touchable = True
        self.collidable = True
        self.damageable = True
        self.death_flags = 0
        self.boss = False
        self.difficulty_coeffs = (-.5, .5, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.extended_bullet_attributes = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0., 0., 0., 0.)
        self.bullet_attributes = None
        self.bullet_launch_offset = (0, 0)
        self.death_callback = -1
        self.boss_callback = None
        self.low_life_callback = -1
        self.low_life_trigger = None
        self.timeout = -1
        self.timeout_callback = -1
        self.remaining_lives = -1

        self.automatic_orientation = False

        self.bullet_launch_interval = 0
        self.bullet_launch_timer = 0
        self.delay_attack = False

        self.death_anim = 0
        self.movement_dependant_sprites = None
        self.direction = None
        self.interpolator = None #TODO
        self.speed_interpolator = None
        self.update_mode = 0
        self.angle = 0.
        self.speed = 0.
        self.rotation_speed = 0.
        self.acceleration = 0.

        self.hitbox = (0, 0)
        self.hitbox_half_size = (0, 0)
        self.screen_box = None

        self.aux_anm = 8 * [None]

    def objects(self):
        return [anm for anm in self.aux_anm if anm]

    def set_bullet_attributes(self, type_, anim, sprite_idx_offset,
                              bullets_per_shot, number_of_shots, speed, speed2,
                              launch_angle, angle, flags):

        # Apply difficulty-specific modifiers
        speed_a, speed_b, nb_a, nb_b, shots_a, shots_b = self.difficulty_coeffs
        diff_coeff = self._game.difficulty / 32.

        speed += speed_a * (1. - diff_coeff) + speed_b * diff_coeff
        speed2 += (speed_a * (1. - diff_coeff) + speed_b * diff_coeff) / 2.
        bullets_per_shot += int(nb_a * (1. - diff_coeff) + nb_b * diff_coeff)
        number_of_shots += int(shots_a * (1. - diff_coeff) + shots_b * diff_coeff)

        self.bullet_attributes = (type_, anim, sprite_idx_offset, bullets_per_shot,
                                  number_of_shots, speed, speed2, launch_angle,
                                  angle, flags)
        if not self.delay_attack:

    def set_bullet_launch_interval(self, value, start=0.):
        # Apply difficulty-specific modifiers:
        value *= 1. - .4 * (self._game.difficulty - 16.) / 32.

        self.bullet_launch_interval = int(value)
        self.bullet_launch_timer = int(value * start)

    def fire(self, offset=None, bullet_attributes=None, launch_pos=None):
        (type_, type_idx, sprite_idx_offset, bullets_per_shot, number_of_shots,
         speed, speed2, launch_angle, angle, flags) = bullet_attributes or self.bullet_attributes

        bullet_type = self._game.bullet_types[type_idx]

        if not launch_pos:
            ox, oy = offset or self.bullet_launch_offset
            launch_pos = self.x + ox, self.y + oy

        if speed < 0.3:
            speed = 0.3
        if speed2 < 0.3:
            speed2 = 0.3

        self.bullet_launch_timer = 0

        player = self.select_player()

        if type_ in (67, 69, 71):
            launch_angle += self.get_player_angle(player, launch_pos)
        if type_ in (69, 70, 71, 74):
            angle = 2. * pi / bullets_per_shot
        if type_ == 71 and bullets_per_shot % 2 or type_ in (69, 70) and not bullets_per_shot % 2:
            launch_angle += pi / bullets_per_shot
        if type_ != 75:
            launch_angle -= angle * (bullets_per_shot - 1) / 2.

        bullets = self._game.bullets
        nb_bullets_max = self._game.nb_bullets_max

        for shot_nb in range(number_of_shots):
            shot_speed = speed if shot_nb == 0 else speed + (speed2 - speed) * float(shot_nb) / float(number_of_shots)
            bullet_angle = launch_angle
            for bullet_nb in range(bullets_per_shot):
                if nb_bullets_max is not None and len(bullets) == nb_bullets_max:

                if type_ == 75: # 102h.exe@0x4138cf
                    bullet_angle = self._game.prng.rand_double() * (launch_angle - angle) + angle
                if type_ in (74, 75): # 102h.exe@0x4138cf
                    shot_speed = self._game.prng.rand_double() * (speed - speed2) + speed2
                bullets.append(Bullet(launch_pos, bullet_type, sprite_idx_offset,
                                      bullet_angle, shot_speed,
                                      flags, player, self._game))
                bullet_angle += angle

    def select_player(self, players=None):
        return (players or self._game.players)[0] #TODO

    def get_player_angle(self, player=None, pos=None):
        player = player or self.select_player()
        x, y = pos or (self.x, self.y)
        return atan2(player.y - y, player.x - x)

    def set_anim(self, index):
        self._sprite = Sprite()
        self._anmrunner = ANMRunner(self._anm_wrapper, index, self._sprite)

    def die_anim(self):
        anim = {0: 3, 1: 4, 2: 5}[self.death_anim % 256] # The TB is wanted, if index isn’t in these values the original game crashs.
        self._game.new_effect((self.x, self.y), anim)

    def drop_particles(self, number, color):
        #TODO: white particles are only used in stage 3 to 6,
        # in other stages they are blue.
        if color == 0:
            if self._game.stage in [1, 2, 7]:
                color = 3
        for i in range(number):
            self._game.new_particle((self.x, self.y), color, 4., 256) #TODO: find the real size.

    def set_aux_anm(self, number, script):
        self.aux_anm[number] = Effect((self.x, self.y), script, self._anm_wrapper)

    def set_pos(self, x, y, z):
        self.x, self.y = x, y
        self.update_mode = 1
        self.interpolator = Interpolator((x, y))
        self.interpolator.set_interpolation_start(self._game.frame, (x, y))

    def move_to(self, duration, x, y, z, formula):
        frame = self._game.frame
        self.speed_interpolator = None
        self.update_mode = 1
        self.interpolator = Interpolator((self.x, self.y), formula)
        self.interpolator.set_interpolation_start(frame, (self.x, self.y))
        self.interpolator.set_interpolation_end(frame + duration - 1, (x, y))

        self.angle = atan2(y - self.y, x - self.x)

    def stop_in(self, duration, formula):
        frame = self._game.frame
        self.interpolator = None
        self.update_mode = 1
        self.speed_interpolator = Interpolator((self.speed,), formula)
        self.speed_interpolator.set_interpolation_start(frame, (self.speed,))
        self.speed_interpolator.set_interpolation_end(frame + duration - 1, (0.,))

    def is_visible(self, screen_width, screen_height):
        if self._sprite:
            tx, ty, tw, th = self._sprite.texcoords
            if self._sprite.corner_relative_placement:
                raise Exception #TODO
            tx, ty, tw, th = 0., 0., 0., 0.

        x, y = self.x, self.y
        max_x = tw / 2.
        max_y = th / 2.

        if (max_x < x - screen_width
            or max_x < -x
            or max_y < y - screen_height
            or max_y < -y):
            return False
        return True

    def check_collisions(self):
        # Check for collisions
        ex, ey = self.x, self.y
        ehalf_size_x, ehalf_size_y = self.hitbox_half_size
        ex1, ex2 = ex - ehalf_size_x, ex + ehalf_size_x
        ey1, ey2 = ey - ehalf_size_y, ey + ehalf_size_y

        damages = 0

        # Check for enemy-bullet collisions
        for bullet in self._game.players_bullets:
            half_size = bullet.hitbox_half_size
            bx, by = bullet.x, bullet.y
            bx1, bx2 = bx - half_size[0], bx + half_size[0]
            by1, by2 = by - half_size[1], by + half_size[1]

            if not (bx2 < ex1 or bx1 > ex2
                    or by2 < ey1 or by1 > ey2):
                if self.damageable:
                    damages += bullet.damage
                self.drop_particles(1, 1)

        # Check for enemy-player collisions
        ex1, ex2 = ex - ehalf_size_x * 2. / 3., ex + ehalf_size_x * 2. / 3.
        ey1, ey2 = ey - ehalf_size_y * 2. / 3., ey + ehalf_size_y * 2. / 3.
        if self.collidable:
            for player in self._game.players:
                px, py = player.x, player.y
                phalf_size = player.hitbox_half_size
                px1, px2 = px - phalf_size, px + phalf_size
                py1, py2 = py - phalf_size, py + phalf_size

                #TODO: box-box or point-in-box?
                if not (ex2 < px1 or ex1 > px2 or ey2 < py1 or ey1 > py2):
                    if not self.boss:
                        damages += 10

        # Adjust damages
        damages = min(70, damages)
        score = (damages // 5) * 10 #TODO: give to which player?

        if self._game.spellcard:
            #TODO: there is a division by 3, somewhere... where is it?
            if damages <= 7:
                damages = 1 if damages else 0
                damages //= 7

        # Apply damages -= damages

    def update(self):
        x, y = self.x, self.y

        if self.update_mode == 1:
            speed = 0.0
            if self.interpolator:
                x, y = self.interpolator.values
            if self.speed_interpolator:
                speed, = self.speed_interpolator.values
            speed = self.speed
            self.speed += self.acceleration
            self.angle += self.rotation_speed

        dx, dy = cos(self.angle) * speed, sin(self.angle) * speed
        if self._type & 2:
            x -= dx
            x += dx
        y += dy

        if self.movement_dependant_sprites:
            #TODO: is that really how it works? Almost.
            # Sprite determination is done only once per changement, and is
            # superseeded by ins_97.
            end_left, end_right, left, right = self.movement_dependant_sprites
            if x < self.x and self.direction != -1:
                self.direction = -1
            elif x > self.x and self.direction != +1:
                self.direction = +1
            elif x == self.x and self.direction is not None:
                self.set_anim({-1: end_left, +1: end_right}[self.direction])
                self.direction = None

        if self.screen_box:
            xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.screen_box
            x = max(xmin, min(x, xmax))
            y = max(ymin, min(y, ymax))

        self.x, self.y = x, y

        if self._anmrunner and not self._anmrunner.run_frame():
            self._anmrunner = None

        if self._sprite and self._visible:
            if self._sprite._removed:
                self._sprite = None

        if self.bullet_launch_interval != 0:
            self.bullet_launch_timer += 1
            if self.bullet_launch_timer == self.bullet_launch_interval:

        # Check collisions
        if self.touchable:

        for anm in self.aux_anm:
            if anm:
                anm.x = self.x
                anm.y = self.y

        self.frame += 1