2016-04-14 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Make sdl.Window inherit from gui.Window, so we can swap implementations.
2015-03-28 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Change all “void except *” function into “bint except True”, to prevent PyErr_Occurred() from being called at each call.
2014-11-26 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Fix compilation under Cython 0.22, by making the pyx and the pxd declarations’ except clause similar.
2014-10-18 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Make frameskip actually skip the rendering part, not just the buffer swap.
2014-04-23 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Add the screenshot feature, using P or Home like the original game.
2014-08-04 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Make Runner.update callable from Python code.
2013-11-08 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Add a very simple sample interface.
2014-04-24 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Don’t retrieve the keyboard_state pointer at each frame.
2013-12-18 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Inherit music players from a base class.
2013-11-28 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Don’t type the renderer in GameRunner, so that we can switch it without type issues.
2013-11-19 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Make GameRunner entirely independent of Window or GameRenderer, so we can run a game without display.
2013-10-23 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Make ANM garbage collectable.
2013-10-04 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Optimize GameRunner some more, fix replay, and remove Window dependency in Renderer.
2013-10-14 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Merge PlayerState into Player, fix player respawn position.
2013-09-28 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Various netplay-related fixes.
2013-09-27 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Merge netplay branch.
2013-09-11 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Make the window resizable, and scale its content correctly.
2013-09-10 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Make GameRunner inherit from a Runner base class, to bypass Python calls in Window.
2013-09-06 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Move every rendering function from gamerunner to gamerenderer.
2013-09-05 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Make pytouhou.ui.{window,shader,game{runner,renderer}} extension types.
2013-07-16 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Add native text support, MSG instructions 3 and 8, and text at the beginning of a stage.
2013-09-02 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Make pytouhou.lib.sdl cimportable, and convert pytouhou.ui.window.* to extension types.
2013-08-11 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Make only one call to render_elements during interface rendering.
2013-08-07 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Improve Matrix representation, using float[16] instead of imbricated python lists.
2013-07-16 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Remove all Loader uses from outside pytouhou.games, and add a --no-music option to disable bgm.
2013-08-03 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Move the depth buffer clear outside of scissor, as per apitrace’s advice.
2013-07-16 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Never keep texture on the host when it has been uploaded, and prevent them from being decoded again.
2013-07-16 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Make the Shader class use cython too.
2013-07-16 |
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot |
Replace Pyglet with our own Cython OpenGL wrapper.