1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Kazunori "jagarl" Ueno
3 * All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7 * are met:
8 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
9 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
10 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
11 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
12 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
13 * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
14 * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
15 *
26 */
28 #include"scn2k.h"
29 #include"window/widget.h"
30 #include"system/file.h"
31 #include"system/system_config.h"
32 #include"font/text.h"
33 #include<set>
35 using namespace std;
37 extern void DSurfaceFill(Surface* dest, const Rect& rect, int r, int g, int b, int a=0xff);
38 extern void DSurfaceMove(Surface* src_o, const Rect& srcrect, Surface* dst_o, const Rect& dstpos);
39 extern Rect DSurfaceRenderText(TextGlyphStream::iterator start, TextGlyphStream::iterator end, const Rect& srcrect,
40 Surface* dst, const Rect& dstrect);
41 extern XKFont::HorizLayout* DefaultLayout(int text_size);
43 /*******************************************************************
44 ** GrpObj(interface)
45 */
47 struct SEL {
48 Rect from;
49 Rect to;
50 int time;
51 int sel_no;
52 int args[8];
53 SEL() : from(0,0), to(0,0) {}
54 };
56 struct GrpObj {
57 string name;
58 string gan_name;
59 PicContainer* pic_parent;
60 PicBase* picture;
61 WidAnmTime* anm;
62 int _posx, _posy;
63 int posx[9],posy[9];
64 Rect clip_area;
65 unsigned char alpha;
66 int order;
67 int surface_num;
69 string print_moji;
70 int print_size, print_r, print_b, print_g;
72 int dig_number, dig_digit;
74 // zoom / rotate 関係
75 int zoom; // 256 で 1 倍
76 int rotate; // 0-360度
78 vector<Rect> src_pos;
79 enum GrpType { FILLRECT = 1, FILE = 2, GAN = 3, MOJI = 4, DIGIT = 5} gtype;
80 enum Attribute { NONE=0, WIPEON=1, SATURATE=2, HIDDEN=4, HIDDEN_GROUP=8,
82 UPDATE_ALL = (8|16|32|64|128|256),
83 ANM_PLAYSTART = 0x8000, ANM_PLAYING = 0x10000,
84 DIG_ZERO = 0x10000*2, DIG_SIGN = 0x10000*4, DIG_PACK=0x10000*8,DIG_SPACE=0x10000*16
85 };
86 Attribute attr;
88 GrpImpl* parent_pimpl;
90 GrpObj(void);
91 ~GrpObj(void);
93 void SetPos(int index, int x, int y);
94 void GetPos(int index, int& x, int& y);
95 int PosX(void);
96 int PosY(void);
97 void SetAlpha(void);
98 void SetAlpha(int alpha);
99 void SetSurfaceNum(int num = -1);
100 void SetZoomRotate(int zoom=-1, int rotate=-1);
101 void SetClipArea(int x, int y, int width, int height);
102 void GetSrcGeom(int& width, int& height);
103 void SetUpdate(void);
104 TextStream ParseMoji(const char* str, int def_r ,int def_g, int def_b, int def_size);
105 void UpdateMoji(void);
106 void UpdateDigit(void);
107 void UpdateSurface(void);
108 void ZoomRotate(void);
109 void Update(void);
110 void CreateSurface(PicContainer* parent);
111 void CreateGan(Event::Container& event, int event_number);
112 void CreateGanSpecial(Event::Container& event, int event_number, int time);
113 PicBase* DeletePic(void);
114 };
116 /*******************************************************************
117 ** GrpObj(interface)
118 */
121 struct GrpObjMap : std::map<int, GrpObj> {
122 typedef pair<const int, GrpObj> value_type;
123 class GrpImpl* parent;
124 GrpObj& operator[](const int& k) {
125 iterator it = lower_bound(k);
126 if (it == end() || it->first != k) {
127 GrpObj obj;
128 obj.parent_pimpl = parent;
129 it = insert(it, value_type(k, obj));
130 }
131 return it->second;
132 }
133 GrpObjMap(class GrpImpl* p) {
134 parent = p;
135 }
136 };
138 class GrpImpl {
139 #define MAXPDT 256
140 #define WORKPDT 255
141 Event::Container& event;
142 const Flags& flags;
143 PicBase* screen;
144 PicBase* screen_front;
145 Surface* surface, *surface_update;
147 Surface* dsurface[MAXPDT]; // 書き込み可能な Surface
148 Surface* ssurface[MAXPDT]; // ファイルの内容等、読み込みのみ可能な状態の Surface
149 PicContainer& parent;
151 // 画像効果の保存用
152 WidAnmTime* anm1, *anm2;
153 typedef enum { NORMAL, WAIT_ANM, WAIT_SHAKE, WAIT_SE, WAIT_MOVIE} Status;
154 Status status;
155 SkipMode skip_mode;
157 std::string bg_name;
158 std::map<int, SEL> anmtype;
159 GrpObjMap grpobj;
160 GrpObjMap bs_obj;
161 void CreateObj(int number);
162 void ZMoveObj(int number);
163 void SetObjChanged(int number);
164 void SetObjChangedGroup(int number);
165 void SwapObj(int a1, int a2);
166 void DeleteObjPic(int num);// object の surface のみ削除
167 void DeleteObj(int num);
168 void DeleteObjRange(int num_b, int num_e);
170 std::set<int> changed_obj;
171 string reserved_load_surface0;
172 vector<PicBase*> deleted_pic;
173 void RefreshObj(void);
175 Surface* Dsurface(int pdt);
176 Surface* Ssurface(int pdt);
178 // cgmode 用画像処理関連
179 void LoadCgm(AyuSysConfig& config);
180 std::map<std::string, int> cgm_info;
181 set<int>& cgm_data;
183 class MuSys& music;
185 public:
186 AyuSysConfig& config;
187 void LoadSurface(const char* str, int pdt);
188 private:
189 void LoadSurface(const char* str);
190 void LoadSurface(void);
191 void AddSurface(const char* str);
193 void StartAnm(int type);
194 void StartShake(int total, const int* pattern);
195 void AbortAnm(void);
196 static bool Pressed(int x, int y, void* pointer);
197 public:
198 GrpImpl(Event::Container& _event, PicContainer& _parent, const Flags& _flag, set<int>& _cgm_data, class MuSys& mu, AyuSysConfig& config);
199 ~GrpImpl();
200 bool Wait(unsigned int current_time, Cmd& cmd);
201 void Exec(Cmd& cmd);
202 void InitSel(AyuSysConfig& config);
203 void Save(std::string& str);
204 void Load(const char* str);
205 void SaveSys(std::string& str);
206 void LoadSys(const char* str);
207 void SetSkipMode(SkipMode _mode);
208 };
209 /*******************************************************************
210 ** GrpObj(implementation)
211 */
213 GrpObj::GrpObj(void) :
214 name(""), gan_name(""), pic_parent(0), picture(0), anm(0),
215 _posx(0), _posy(0), clip_area(0,0,0,0),
216 alpha(255), order(0), surface_num(0), print_moji(""), print_size(0), print_r(-1),print_g(-1),print_b(-1),
217 dig_number(0), dig_digit(0),
218 zoom(-1), rotate(-1), attr(GrpObj::HIDDEN), parent_pimpl(0) {
219 int i;
220 for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
221 posx[i] = posy[i] = 0;
222 }
223 }
224 GrpObj::~GrpObj() {
225 if (picture) delete picture;
226 if (parent_pimpl == 0) {
227 fprintf(stderr,"\n**************\nFATAL : UNINITIALIZED GrpObj IS FOUND!!! \n**************\n");
228 }
229 }
230 int GrpObj::PosX() {
231 return _posx;
232 }
233 int GrpObj::PosY() {
234 return _posy;
235 }
236 void GrpObj::SetUpdate(void) {
237 attr = Attribute (attr | UPDATE_PICTURE);
238 }
239 void GrpObj::SetPos(int index, int x,int y) {
240 if (index < 0 || index > 8) {
241 fprintf(stderr,"GrpObj::SetPos: Invalid index %d <- %d,%d\n",index,x,y);
242 return;
243 }
244 if (x == posx[index] && y == posy[index]) return;
245 attr = Attribute(attr | UPDATE_POS);
246 _posx += x-posx[index];
247 _posy += y-posy[index];
248 posx[index] = x;
249 posy[index] = y;
250 }
251 void GrpObj::GetPos(int index, int& x, int& y) {
252 if (index < 0 || index > 8) {
253 fprintf(stderr,"GrpObj::GetPos: Invalid index %d\n",index);
254 x = 0; y = 0;
255 return;
256 }
257 x = posx[index];
258 y = posy[index];
259 return;
260 }
261 void GrpObj::SetAlpha(int new_alpha) {
262 if (alpha == new_alpha) return;
263 alpha = new_alpha;
264 attr = Attribute(attr | UPDATE_ALPHA);
265 return;
266 }
267 void GrpObj::SetSurfaceNum(int num) {
268 if (num != -1) {
269 if (surface_num == num) return;
270 surface_num = num;
271 }
272 attr = Attribute(attr | UPDATE_SNUM);
273 return;
274 }
276 void GrpObj::SetClipArea(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
277 Rect new_clip(x,y,x+w,y+h);
278 if (clip_area == new_clip) return;
279 clip_area = new_clip;
280 attr = Attribute(attr | UPDATE_CLIP);
281 return;
282 }
283 PicBase* GrpObj::DeletePic(void) {
284 PicBase* p = picture;
285 anm = 0;
286 picture = 0;
287 src_pos.clear();
288 attr = Attribute(attr & (HIDDEN | HIDDEN_GROUP));
289 return p;
290 }
291 void GrpObj::GetSrcGeom(int& width, int& height) {
292 if (src_pos.empty()) {
293 width = 0; height = 0;
294 if (name.length() == 0) {
295 return;
296 }
297 /* ボタンの位置情報を求める */
298 /* g00 ファイルのヘッダ部分に位置情報は入っている */
299 string path(name);
300 path += ".g00";
301 ARCINFO* info = file_searcher.Find(FILESEARCH::PDT, path.c_str(), "g00");
302 if (info == 0) { // ファイルが見つからない
303 fprintf(stderr,"GrpObj::GetSrcGeom : Cannot find file %s\n", path.c_str());
304 return;
305 }
306 const char* data = info->Read();
307 int srclen = read_little_endian_int(data+5);
308 if (data && *data == 2) { // 画像ファイル内にボタン情報が存在する
309 int srclen = read_little_endian_int(data+5);
310 int i;
311 for (i=0; i<srclen; i++) {
312 int x1 = read_little_endian_int(data+9+i*24+0);
313 int y1 = read_little_endian_int(data+9+i*24+4);
314 int x2 = read_little_endian_int(data+9+i*24+8);
315 int y2 = read_little_endian_int(data+9+i*24+12);
316 src_pos.push_back(Rect(x1, y1, x2+1, y2+1));
317 if (width < src_pos.back().width()) width = src_pos.back().width();
318 if (height < src_pos.back().height()) height = src_pos.back().height();
319 }
320 } else { // 画像ファイルから大きさ取得
321 width = read_little_endian_short(data+1);
322 height = read_little_endian_short(data+3);
323 src_pos.push_back(Rect(0,0,width,height));
324 }
325 delete info;
326 }
327 int sn = surface_num;
328 if (sn < 0 || sn > src_pos.size()) sn = 0;
329 width = src_pos[sn].width();
330 height = src_pos[sn].height();
331 return;
332 }
333 void GrpObj::Update(void) {
334 if (attr & UPDATE_PICTURE) {
335 UpdateSurface();
336 attr = Attribute( (attr | UPDATE_ALL) & (~UPDATE_PICTURE));
337 }
338 if (picture == 0) return;
339 if (attr & UPDATE_POS) {
340 if (attr & SATURATE) {
341 int w=0, h=0;
342 GetSrcGeom(w,h);
343 picture->Move(_posx-w/2, _posy-h/2);
344 } else {
345 picture->Move(_posx, _posy);
346 }
347 }
348 if (attr & UPDATE_ALPHA) {
349 if (alpha <= 0) {
350 picture->SetSurfaceAlpha(0, Rect(0,0));
351 picture->hide();
352 } else if (alpha >= ALPHA_MAX) {
353 picture->SetSurfaceAlpha(0, Rect(0,0));
354 if (attr & HIDDEN) picture->hide();
355 else picture->show();
356 } else {
357 picture->SetSurfaceAlpha(&alpha, Rect(0,0,1,1));
358 if (attr & HIDDEN) picture->hide();
359 else picture->show();
360 }
361 }
362 if ( (attr & UPDATE_SNUM) && (!src_pos.empty())) {
363 if (surface_num < 0 || surface_num >= src_pos.size()) surface_num = 0;
364 picture->SetSurfacePos(src_pos[surface_num].lx, src_pos[surface_num].ty);
365 }
366 if (attr & UPDATE_CLIP) {
367 picture->SetClipArea(clip_area);
368 }
369 attr = Attribute(attr & (~UPDATE_ALL));
370 if (attr & ANM_PLAYSTART) {
371 if (anm) {
372 anm->Play();
373 attr = Attribute(attr | ANM_PLAYING);
374 }
375 attr = Attribute(attr & (~ANM_PLAYSTART));
376 }
377 }
378 void GrpObj::CreateSurface(PicContainer* parent) {
379 if (picture) {
380 PicBase* p = DeletePic();
381 delete p;
382 }
383 src_pos.clear();
384 // picture を作成
385 pic_parent = parent;
386 picture = parent->create_leaf(Rect(_posx,_posy,_posx+1,_posy+1), 0);
387 picture->hide();
388 UpdateSurface();
389 }
391 void GrpObj::UpdateSurface(void) {
392 if (pic_parent == 0 || picture == 0) return;
393 int width = 0, height = 0;
394 if (gtype == FILE || gtype == GAN) {
395 if (name.length() == 0) return;
396 // ファイル名が存在する場合、ファイルを読み込み
397 GetSrcGeom(width, height);
398 if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return;
399 // surface の設定
400 if (surface_num == 0 && ( (zoom > 0 && zoom != 256) || rotate > 0)) {
401 ZoomRotate();
402 } else {
403 // 普通に surface を設定
404 string path(name);
405 path += ".g00";
406 picture->SetSurface(path.c_str(), 0, 0);
407 picture->SetSurfaceRect(Rect(0,0,width,height));
408 }
409 if (attr & SATURATE)
410 picture->SetSurfaceAttribute(PicBase::BLIT_SATURATE);
411 } else if (gtype == MOJI) { // テキスト描画
412 if (print_moji.length() == 0) return;
413 UpdateMoji();
414 } else if (gtype == DIGIT) { // 数値を画像表示
415 UpdateDigit();
416 }
417 }
418 void GrpObj::ZoomRotate(void) {
419 picture->SetSurface( (Surface*)0,0,0);
421 // 回転、縮小拡大は座標原点が画像の中心になる
422 string path(name);
423 path += ".g00";
424 Surface* surface_orig = pic_parent->Root().NewSurface(path.c_str());
425 if (surface_orig == 0) return;
427 Surface* zoom_surface = pic_parent->Root().RotZoomSurface(surface_orig, double(zoom)/256.0, rotate);
428 Rect zoom_r (*zoom_surface);
429 picture->SetSurface(zoom_surface, 0, 0);
430 picture->SetSurfaceFreeFlag();
431 //picture->Move(PosX() + - zoom_r.width()/2, PosY() + - zoom_r.height()/2);
432 // 中心座標がわからん・・・
433 picture->Move(320 - zoom_r.width()/2, 240 - zoom_r.height()/2);
434 picture->SetSurfaceRect(Rect(0, 0, zoom_r.width(), zoom_r.height()));
436 pic_parent->Root().DeleteSurface(surface_orig);
437 }
439 static char* wstrchr(const char* s, unsigned int chr) {
440 int ws, wc;
441 while(*s != 0) {
442 if (*s < 0 && s[1] != 0) {
443 wc = int((unsigned char)(s[0]))*0x100 + int((unsigned char)(s[1]));
444 ws = 2;
445 } else {
446 wc = (unsigned char)(s[0]);
447 ws = 1;
448 }
449 if (wc == chr) return (char*)s;
450 s += ws;
451 }
452 return 0;
453 }
454 TextStream GrpObj::ParseMoji(const char* str, int def_r ,int def_g, int def_b, int def_size) { // 制御シーケンス付き文字列をparse
455 TextStream ts;
456 ts.kanji_type = TextStream::sjis;
457 ts.SetColor(def_r, def_g, def_b);
458 char* copy_str = new char[strlen(str)+1];
459 char* next_str;
460 char* retptr;
461 int var;
463 while( (next_str = wstrchr(str, '#')) != 0) {
464 int len = next_str - str;
465 strncpy(copy_str, str, len);
466 copy_str[len] = 0;
467 ts.Add(copy_str);
468 str = next_str + 1;
470 switch(str[0]) {
471 case '#': // separator
472 str += 1;
473 break;
474 case 'D': case 'd': // return
475 ts.AddReturn();
476 str += 1;
477 break;
478 case 'C': case 'c': // color
479 str += 1;
480 var = strtol(str, &next_str,10);
481 if (var == 0 && str == next_str) { // no parameter
482 ts.SetColor(def_r, def_g, def_b);
483 } else {
484 int r,g,b; char key[1024];
485 sprintf(key, "#COLOR_TABLE.%03d", var);
486 if (parent_pimpl->config.GetParam(key, 3, &r, &g, &b)) { // color not found
487 r = g = b = 0;
488 }
489 ts.SetColor(r,g,b);
490 str = next_str;
491 }
492 break;
493 case 'S': case 's': // size
494 str += 1;
495 var = strtol(str, &next_str, 10);
496 if (var == 0 && str == next_str) { // no parameter
497 ts.SetSize(1);
498 } else {
499 if (def_size == 0) def_size = 20;
500 if (var <= 0) var = 1;
501 ts.SetSize(double(var)/def_size);
502 }
503 break;
504 case 'X': case 'x': // xpos : not supported
505 case 'Y': case 'y': // ypos : not supported
506 default:
507 ts.Add("#");
508 break;
509 }
510 }
511 ts.Add(str);
512 return ts;
513 }
514 void GrpObj::UpdateMoji(void) { // 文字の大きさ、色などを変更
515 if (print_moji.length() == 0) return;
516 if (pic_parent == 0) return;
517 /* テキストの大きさを得る */
518 int r, g, b;
519 if (print_r == -1 || print_g == -1 || print_b == -1) {// 色設定なし
520 r = g = b = 0; // とりあえず黒(clannad のSave/Loadメニュー用)
521 } else {
522 r = print_r;
523 g = print_g;
524 b = print_b;
525 }
526 TextStream ts = ParseMoji(print_moji.c_str(), r, g, b, print_size);
527 TextGlyphStream gs;
528 vector<int> lh;
529 // とりあえず drawable width は充分に大きく(2048)取る
530 DefaultLayout(print_size-2)->Layout(ts, gs, lh, 2048); // print_size そのままだと弱干大きすぎるので -2
531 int width = gs.width();
532 int height = gs.height();
533 Surface* surface = pic_parent->Root().NewSurface(width, height, ALPHA_MASK);
534 DSurfaceFill(surface, Rect(*surface), 0, 0, 0, 0);
535 DSurfaceRenderText(gs.begin(), gs.end(), Rect(0, 0, width, height), surface, Rect(0,0));
536 picture->SetSurface(surface, 0, 0);
537 picture->SetSurfaceRect(Rect(0,0,width,height));
538 picture->SetSurfaceFreeFlag();
539 }
540 void GrpObj::UpdateDigit(void) {
541 // 画像表示の数値文字列を表示する
542 if (name.length() == 0) return;
543 // ファイル名が存在する場合、ファイルを読み込み
544 string path(name);
545 path += ".g00";
546 Surface* surface_orig = pic_parent->Root().NewSurface(path.c_str());
547 if (surface_orig == 0) return;
549 int width, height;
550 int i;
551 GetSrcGeom(width, height);
552 if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return;
553 if (src_pos.size() < 14) {
554 // 必要な数の object がない
555 // 表示できない分の空の rect を追加しておく
556 for (i=src_pos.size(); i<14; i++)
557 src_pos.push_back(Rect(0,0,0,0));
558 pic_parent->Root().DeleteSurface(surface_orig);
559 return;
560 }
561 // 桁数の計算
562 char num_str[20];
563 if (dig_number < 0) sprintf(num_str, "%d", -dig_number);
564 else sprintf(num_str, "%d", dig_number);
565 int sign_count = 0;
566 int space_count = 0;
567 int total_count;
568 int dig_count = strlen(num_str);
569 if (dig_number < 0 && (attr&DIG_SIGN) == 0) dig_count++;
570 if (dig_count < dig_digit) space_count = dig_digit - dig_count;
571 if (attr & DIG_SIGN) sign_count = 1;
572 total_count = dig_count + space_count + sign_count;
574 Surface* surface = pic_parent->Root().NewSurface(width*total_count, height, ALPHA_MASK);
575 DSurfaceFill(surface, Rect(*surface), 0, 0, 0, 0);
577 /* surface にコピーする */
578 int cur_x = 0;
579 if ( (attr & DIG_PACK) && !(attr & DIG_ZERO)) { // 始めに空白を挿入
580 cur_x += space_count * width;
581 }
582 int plus = 10, minus = 11, plusminus = 12;
583 if (dig_number < 0) {
584 DSurfaceMove(surface, src_pos[minus], surface, Rect(cur_x,0));
585 cur_x += width;
586 } else if (attr & DIG_SIGN) {
587 if (dig_number == 0)
588 DSurfaceMove(surface, src_pos[plusminus], surface, Rect(cur_x,0));
589 else
590 DSurfaceMove(surface, src_pos[plus], surface, Rect(cur_x,0));
591 cur_x += width;
592 }
593 if (attr & DIG_ZERO) { // ゼロ・パディング
594 for (i=0; i<space_count; i++) {
595 DSurfaceMove(surface, src_pos[0], surface, Rect(cur_x, 0));
596 cur_x += width;;
597 }
598 } else if (!(attr & DIG_PACK)) { // PACK オプションなし
599 cur_x += space_count * width;
600 }
601 for (i=0; num_str[i] != 0; i++) {
602 DSurfaceMove(surface_orig, src_pos[num_str[i]-'0'], surface, Rect(cur_x, 0));
603 cur_x += width;
604 }
606 /* picture に設定 */
607 picture->SetSurface(surface, 0, 0);
608 picture->SetSurfaceRect(Rect(0,0,width*total_count,height));
609 picture->SetSurfaceFreeFlag();
611 pic_parent->Root().DeleteSurface(surface_orig);
612 }
613 void GrpObj::CreateGan(Event::Container& event, int event_number) {
614 if (picture == 0) {
615 fprintf(stderr,"GrpObj::CreateGan() is called before Create()\n");
616 return;
617 }
618 if (anm) {
619 anm->Abort();
620 delete anm;
621 }
622 if (gan_name.empty()) return;
623 /* アニーメション情報 (.GAN ファイル)を求める */
624 string path(gan_name);
625 path += ".gan";
626 ARCINFO* info = file_searcher.Find(FILESEARCH::GAN, path.c_str(), "gan");
627 if (info == 0) {
628 fprintf(stderr,"GrpObj::CreateGan: Cannot Find 'GAN' file %s\n", path.c_str());
629 return;
630 }
631 const char* data = info->Read();
632 if (read_little_endian_int(data) != 10000 || read_little_endian_int(data+4) != 10000) {
633 fprintf(stderr,"GrpObj::CreateGan: Invalid'GAN' file %s\n", path.c_str());
634 delete info;
635 return;
636 }
638 picture->SetSurfaceAttribute(PicBase::BLIT_SATURATE);
639 attr = Attribute(attr | UPDATE_POS | SATURATE);
641 const char* buf = data + 16;
642 buf += strlen(buf) + 1; // 画像ファイル名が入っている
643 buf += 4; // 定数 20000
644 int pics = read_little_endian_int(buf); buf += 4; // 複数のアニメーション情報が入っている場合、情報数
645 // 以下、pics 回繰り返し
646 // アニメーションを行う実体を作成
647 AnmAlphaMove* wid = new AnmAlphaMove(event, picture);
649 if (event_number && event_number < pics) { // 複数のアニメーション情報がある場合、先の情報を読み飛ばす */
650 int i; for (i=0; i<event_number; i++) {
651 buf += 4; // 定数 30000
652 int ptns = read_little_endian_int(buf); buf += 4;
653 buf += ptns*52;
654 }
655 }
656 buf += 4; // 定数 30000
657 int ptns = read_little_endian_int(buf); buf += 4;
658 int total_time = 0;
659 int i;
660 for (i=0; i<ptns; i++) {
661 int p = read_little_endian_int(buf+i*52+0*8+4);
662 int x = read_little_endian_int(buf+i*52+1*8+4);
663 int y = read_little_endian_int(buf+i*52+2*8+4);
664 int t = read_little_endian_int(buf+i*52+3*8+4);
665 int a = read_little_endian_int(buf+i*52+4*8+4);
666 x += PosX();
667 y += PosY();
668 if (p == -1) { a = 0; p = 0; } // p == -1 ならなにも表示しない
669 if (p >= src_pos.size()) {
670 fprintf(stderr,"Reading GAN file %s (G00 %s) : not enough pictures in .G00 file\n", path.c_str(), name.c_str());
671 a = 0; p = 0;
672 }
673 total_time += t;
674 wid->ptns.push_back(AnmAlphaMove::Ptn(Rect(x,y), src_pos[p], a, total_time));
675 }
676 wid->SetPtn(); // パターン登録終了
677 attr = Attribute(attr | ANM_PLAYSTART);
678 anm = wid;
679 };
680 void GrpObj::CreateGanSpecial(Event::Container& event, int event_number, int time) {
681 if (picture == 0) {
682 fprintf(stderr,"GrpObj::CreateGan() is called before Create()\n");
683 return;
684 }
685 if (anm) {
686 anm->Abort();
687 delete anm;
688 }
690 // アニメーションを行う実体を作成
691 AnmAlphaMove* wid = new AnmAlphaMove(event, picture);
693 int i;
694 switch(event_number) {
695 case 0: // pattern を 0 から最後まで変化させる
696 for (i=0; i<src_pos.size(); i++) {
697 wid->ptns.push_back(AnmAlphaMove::Ptn(Rect(PosX(), PosY()), src_pos[i], 255, time*i));
698 }
699 wid->SetPtn(); // パターン登録終了
700 anm = wid;
701 attr = Attribute(attr | ANM_PLAYSTART);
702 break;
703 default:
704 break;
705 }
706 return;
707 };
709 void GrpObj::SetZoomRotate(int new_zoom, int new_rotate) {
710 if (zoom == new_zoom && rotate == new_rotate) return;
711 if (new_zoom != -1) zoom = new_zoom;
712 if (new_rotate != -1) rotate = new_rotate;
713 if (zoom < 0) zoom = 256;
714 if (rotate < 0) rotate = 0;
715 else if (rotate > 360) rotate %= 360;
717 attr = Attribute(attr | UPDATE_PICTURE);
718 return;
719 }
720 /******************************************************************
721 **
722 ** class ScnGrp*
723 */
724 /* Princess Bride: 背景画の一部のみ移動、の実装 */
725 struct ScnGrpMove : public WidAnmTime {
726 Surface* dest;
727 Surface* src;
728 PicRoot& root;
729 Rect dest_r, from, to;
730 ScnGrpMove(Event::Container& container, PicBase* _pic, PicRoot& root, Surface* dest, const Rect& _dest_r, Surface* src, const Rect& from, const Rect& to, int total_time);
731 void Exec(int count);
732 };
733 ScnGrpMove::ScnGrpMove(Event::Container& container, PicBase* _pic, PicRoot& _root, Surface* _dest, const Rect& _dest_r, Surface* _src, const Rect& _from, const Rect& _to, int total_time) :
734 WidAnmTime(container, _pic, total_time),
735 dest(_dest), src(_src), root(_root),dest_r(_dest_r), from(_from), to(_to) {
736 int dx = to.lx - from.lx;
737 int dy = to.ty - from.ty;
738 if (dx < 0) dx = -dx;
739 if (dy < 0) dy = -dy;
740 if (dx < dy) dx = dy;
741 if (dx == 0) dx = 1;
742 SetAllCount(dx);
743 }
744 void ScnGrpMove::Exec(int count) {
745 Rect r(0,0,dest_r.width(),dest_r.height());
746 int dx = to.lx - from.lx;
747 int dy = to.ty - from.ty;
748 int x = dx*count/all_count + from.lx;
749 int y = dy*count/all_count + from.ty;
750 r.rmove(x, y);
751 root.BlitSurface(src, r, dest, dest_r);
752 iterator it;
753 for (it=pic.begin(); it!=pic.end(); it++)
754 (*it)->SetSurface(dest, 0, 0);
755 }
757 /* Princess Bride: カードがおちるアニメーション */
759 struct ScnGrpAnmAtom {
760 string name;
761 int time;
762 ScnGrpAnmAtom(const char* _n, int _t) : name(_n), time(_t) {}
763 };
764 struct ScnGrpAnm : public WidAnmTime, vector<ScnGrpAnmAtom> {
765 GrpImpl& owner;
766 ScnGrpAnm(Event::Container& container, PicBase* _pic, GrpImpl& _owner) :
767 WidAnmTime(container, _pic, 0), owner(_owner) {
768 }
769 void CalcTotal(void);
770 void Exec(int count);
771 };
772 void ScnGrpAnm::CalcTotal(void) {
773 /* total time を計算 */
774 if (empty()) return;
775 int tm = 0;
776 vector<ScnGrpAnmAtom>::iterator it;
777 for (it=begin(); it != end(); it++) tm += it->time;
778 total_time = tm;
779 SetAllCount(tm);
780 }
781 void ScnGrpAnm::Exec(int count) {
782 int tm = 0; vector<ScnGrpAnmAtom>::iterator it;
783 for (it=begin(); it != end(); it++) {
784 tm += it->time;
785 if (count < tm) break;
786 }
787 if (it == end()) it--;
788 owner.LoadSurface(it->name.c_str(), 0);
789 }
792 /*****************************************************
793 *
794 * GrpImpl(implementation) : 定義
795 *
796 */
798 #include"music2/music.h"
800 GrpImpl::GrpImpl(Event::Container& _event, PicContainer& _parent, const Flags& f, set<int>& _cgm_data, class MuSys& _mu, AyuSysConfig& _config) :
801 event(_event),
802 flags(f),
803 parent(_parent),
804 status(NORMAL),
805 skip_mode(SKIP_NO),
806 music(_mu),
807 cgm_data(_cgm_data),
808 grpobj(this),
809 bs_obj(this),
810 config(_config)
811 {
812 int i;
813 for (i=0; i<MAXPDT; i++) {
814 ssurface[i] = 0;
815 dsurface[i] = 0;
816 }
817 screen = parent.create_leaf(Rect(0, 0, parent.Width(), parent.Height()), 0);
818 screen_front = parent.create_leaf(Rect(0, 0, parent.Width(), parent.Height()), 0);
819 surface = parent.Root().NewSurface(parent.Width(), parent.Height(), NO_MASK);
820 surface_update = parent.Root().NewSurface(parent.Width(), parent.Height(), NO_MASK);
821 DSurfaceFill(surface, Rect(*surface), 0, 0, 0);
822 DSurfaceFill(surface_update, Rect(*surface), 0, 0, 0);
823 screen->SetSurface(surface, 0, 0);
824 screen->show();
825 screen_front->hide();
826 screen_front->ZMove(screen);
828 LoadCgm(config);
830 anm1 = 0; anm2 = 0;
831 }
833 GrpImpl::~GrpImpl() {
835 map<int,GrpObj>::iterator it;
836 for (it=grpobj.begin(); it!=grpobj.end(); it++) {
837 PicBase* p = it->second.DeletePic();
838 delete p;
839 }
841 delete screen;
842 delete screen_front;
843 parent.Root().DeleteSurface(surface);
844 int i;
845 for (i=0; i<MAXPDT; i++) {
846 if (ssurface[i]) parent.Root().DeleteSurface(ssurface[i]);
847 if (dsurface[i]) parent.Root().DeleteSurface(dsurface[i]);
848 }
849 }
851 Surface* GrpImpl::Dsurface(int pdt) {
852 if (pdt == 0) return surface;
853 if (dsurface[pdt] == 0) { // とりあえず画面の大きさということにする
854 if (pdt == WORKPDT)
855 dsurface[pdt] = parent.Root().NewSurface(parent.Width(), parent.Height(), ALPHA_MASK);
856 else
857 dsurface[pdt] = parent.Root().NewSurface(parent.Width(), parent.Height(), NO_MASK);
858 }
859 if (ssurface[pdt]) { // ssurface が存在すれば、dsurface にコピーして返す
860 DSurfaceMove(ssurface[pdt], Rect(*ssurface[pdt]), dsurface[pdt], Rect(0,0));
861 parent.Root().DeleteSurface(ssurface[pdt]);
862 ssurface[pdt] = 0;
863 }
864 return dsurface[pdt];
865 }
866 #include<SDL.h>
867 Surface* GrpImpl::Ssurface(int pdt) {
868 if (pdt == 0) return surface;
869 if (ssurface[pdt]) {
870 return ssurface[pdt];
871 }
872 return Dsurface(pdt);
873 }
875 void GrpImpl::LoadSurface(const char* str, int pdt) {
876 string s = str;
877 if (cgm_info.find(s) != cgm_info.end()) {
878 cgm_data.insert(cgm_info[s]);
879 }
880 Surface* bg = parent.Root().NewSurface(s.c_str());
881 if (bg == 0) {
882 s += ".g00";
883 bg = parent.Root().NewSurface(s.c_str());
884 }
885 if (bg) {
886 if (ssurface[pdt]) parent.Root().DeleteSurface(ssurface[pdt]);
887 ssurface[pdt] = bg;
888 if (pdt == 0) {
889 /* とりあえず Princess Bride のアニメーション効果専用 */
890 Rect r(*ssurface[0]);
891 Rect dr(*surface);
892 int x = (dr.width()-r.width())/2;
893 int y = (dr.height()-r.height())/2;
894 DSurfaceMove(ssurface[0], r, surface, Rect(x,y));
895 parent.Root().DeleteSurface(ssurface[0]);
896 ssurface[0] = 0;
897 screen->SetSurface(surface, 0, 0);
898 }
899 } else {
900 if (str[0] != 0)
901 fprintf(stderr,"Cannot find surface %d <- '%s'\n",pdt,str);
902 }
903 return;
904 }
905 void GrpImpl::InitSel(AyuSysConfig& config) {
906 int i; int args[16]; char key[1024];
907 for (i=0; i<999; i++) {
908 sprintf(key, "#SEL.%03d",i);
909 if (config.GetParam(key, 15, &args[0], &args[1],
910 &args[2], &args[3], &args[4], &args[5], &args[6], &args[7],
911 &args[8], &args[9], &args[10], &args[11], &args[12], &args[13],
912 &args[14])) {
914 sprintf(key, "#SELR.%03d", i);
915 if (config.GetParam(key, 16, &args[0], &args[1],
916 &args[2], &args[3], &args[4], &args[5], &args[6], &args[7],
917 &args[8], &args[9], &args[10], &args[11], &args[12], &args[13],
918 &args[14], &args[15])) continue;
919 }
920 SEL& s = anmtype[i];
921 s.from = Rect(args[0], args[1], args[2]+1, args[3]+1);
922 s.to = Rect(args[4], args[5]);
923 s.time = args[6];
924 s.sel_no = args[7];
925 int j; for (j=0; j<8; j++) s.args[j] = args[8+j];
926 }
927 return;
928 }
929 void GrpImpl::SetSkipMode(SkipMode _mode) {
930 if ( (skip_mode & SKIP_IN_MENU) && (_mode & SKIP_IN_MENU) == 0) {
931 RefreshObj();
932 } else if ( (skip_mode & SKIP_IN_MENU) == 0 && (_mode & SKIP_IN_MENU) ) {
933 }
934 skip_mode = _mode;
935 }
936 void GrpImpl::SetObjChanged(int num) {
937 changed_obj.insert(num);
938 }
939 void GrpImpl::SetObjChangedGroup(int num) {
940 if (num % 1000 != 0) {
941 SetObjChanged(num);
942 return;
943 }
944 std::map<int, GrpObj>::iterator begin,end,it;
945 begin = grpobj.lower_bound(num);
946 end = grpobj.lower_bound(num+1000);
947 for (it=begin;it!=end;it++) {
948 changed_obj.insert(it->first);
949 }
950 }
951 void GrpImpl::RefreshObj(void) {
952 if (!deleted_pic.empty()) {
953 vector<PicBase*>::iterator it;
954 for (it=deleted_pic.begin(); it!=deleted_pic.end(); it++) {
955 if (*it) delete *it;
956 }
957 deleted_pic.clear();
958 }
959 if (!changed_obj.empty()) {
960 set<int>::iterator it;
961 for (it=changed_obj.begin(); it != changed_obj.end(); it++) {
962 if (grpobj.find(*it) == grpobj.end()) continue;
963 GrpObj& obj = grpobj[*it];
964 GrpObj& parent_obj = grpobj[ ((*it)/1000) * 1000];
965 if (obj.picture == 0) continue;
966 if (obj.alpha == 0 || (obj.attr & GrpObj::HIDDEN) || (parent_obj.attr & GrpObj::HIDDEN_GROUP) ) {
967 if (obj.attr & GrpObj::ANM_PLAYING) {
968 obj.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(obj.attr & ~(GrpObj::ANM_PLAYING));
969 if (obj.anm) obj.anm->Abort();
970 }
971 obj.picture->hide();
972 } else {
973 obj.Update();
974 obj.picture->show();
975 }
976 }
977 changed_obj.clear();
978 }
979 if (reserved_load_surface0.length() != 0) {
980 LoadSurface(reserved_load_surface0.c_str(), 0);
981 reserved_load_surface0 = "";
982 }
983 screen->ReBlit();
984 }
987 #include<SDL.h>
988 void GrpImpl::StartAnm(int type) {
989 SEL sel;
991 if (anmtype.find(type) == anmtype.end()) {
992 if (anmtype.find(0) == anmtype.end()) {
993 sel.sel_no = 1;
994 sel.from = Rect(*surface);
995 sel.to = Rect(0,0);
996 sel.time = 0;
997 } else {
998 sel = anmtype[0];
999 }
1000 } else {
1001 sel = anmtype[type];
1002 }
1003 if (anm1) {
1004 fprintf(stderr,"Warning: StartAnm() called before anm1 finished\n");
1005 anm1->Abort();
1006 delete anm1;
1007 anm1 = 0;
1008 }
1009 map<int,GrpObj>::iterator it;
1010 // 現在表示中のobjectを消去
1011 deleted_pic.push_back(screen);
1012 for (it=grpobj.begin(); it!=grpobj.end(); it++) {
1013 if (! (it->second.attr & GrpObj::WIPEON)) { // 画像切り替え時に object 削除
1014 deleted_pic.push_back(it->second.DeletePic());
1015 } else {
1016 GrpObj& new_obj = bs_obj[it->first];
1017 if (new_obj.name.empty()) { // 新しい object が存在しなければ内容を引き継ぐ
1018 new_obj = it->second;
1019 it->second.DeletePic();
1020 } else {
1021 new_obj.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(new_obj.attr | GrpObj::WIPEON);
1022 deleted_pic.push_back(it->second.DeletePic());
1023 }
1024 }
1025 }
1026 grpobj.clear(); // 全オブジェクト削除
1028 // 全画像オブジェクトの前にscreen 移動
1029 // 新しい screen_front を作成しておく
1030 screen = screen_front;
1031 screen->hide();
1032 screen->SetSurface(surface_update, 0, 0);
1033 parent.Root().BlitSurface(Dsurface(1), Rect(*surface_update), surface_update, Rect(0,0));
1035 screen_front = parent.create_leaf(Rect(0, 0, parent.Width(), parent.Height()), 0);
1036 screen_front->hide();
1037 screen_front->ZMove(screen);
1039 // 新しい object へ更新、surface_update へ新しい object を表示
1040 // (object 作成時は picture は hide されている)
1041 for (it=bs_obj.begin(); it!=bs_obj.end(); it++) {
1042 grpobj[it->first] = it->second;
1043 it->second.DeletePic();
1044 CreateObj(it->first);
1045 GrpObj& g = grpobj[it->first];
1046 GrpObj& parent_obj = grpobj[ (it->first/1000) * 1000];
1047 if (g.picture) {
1048 g.Update();
1049 if (g.alpha == 0 || (g.attr & GrpObj::HIDDEN) || (parent_obj.attr & GrpObj::HIDDEN_GROUP) ) ;
1050 else g.picture->SimpleBlit(surface_update);
1051 g.picture->hide();
1052 }
1053 }
1054 bs_obj.clear();
1055 // 画像効果開始
1056 switch(sel.sel_no) {
1057 default:
1058 case 0: case 50: // 0 と 50 の違いが良くわからない
1059 if (skip_mode & SKIP_GRP_NOEFFEC)
1060 anm1 = new WidAnmAlpha(event, screen, ALPHA_MAX, ALPHA_MAX, 0);
1061 else if (skip_mode & SKIP_GRP_FAST)
1062 anm1 = new WidAnmAlpha(event, screen, 0, ALPHA_MAX, sel.time/4);
1063 else
1064 anm1 = new WidAnmAlpha(event, screen, 0, ALPHA_MAX, sel.time);
1065 break;
1066 }
1067 if (anm1) anm1->Play();
1068 if (skip_mode & SKIP_GRP_NOEFFEC) AbortAnm();
1069 }
1070 void GrpImpl::StartShake(int total, const int* pattern) {
1071 if (anm2) {
1072 fprintf(stderr,"Warning: StartShake() called before another animation finished\n");
1073 anm2->Abort();
1074 delete anm2;
1075 anm2 = 0;
1076 }
1077 if (skip_mode & SKIP_GRP_NOEFFEC) return;
1078 AnmAlphaMove* new_anm = new AnmAlphaMove(event, &parent); // shake screen では元画面の座標を揺らす
1079 int i; int tm = 0;
1080 for (i=0; i<total; i+=3) {
1081 int x = pattern[i];
1082 int y = pattern[i+1];
1083 new_anm->ptns.push_back(AnmAlphaMove::Ptn(Rect(x,y), Rect(0,0), 255, tm));
1084 tm += pattern[i+2];
1085 }
1086 new_anm->ptns.push_back(AnmAlphaMove::Ptn(Rect(0,0), Rect(0,0), 255, tm));
1087 new_anm->SetPtn(); // パターン登録終了
1088 new_anm->Play();
1089 anm2 = new_anm;
1090 }
1091 void GrpImpl::AbortAnm(void) {
1092 if (anm1 == 0) return;
1093 anm1->Abort();
1094 delete anm1;
1095 anm1 = 0;
1096 /* 画像効果終了 */
1097 /* 古い画面への画像効果があれば消去 */
1098 if (anm2 && anm2->pic[0] != screen) {
1099 anm2->Abort();
1100 delete anm2;
1101 anm2 = 0;
1102 }
1103 /* pdt1 -> pdt0 へコピー */
1104 DSurfaceMove(dsurface[1], Rect(*dsurface[1]), surface, Rect(0,0));
1105 screen->SetSurface(surface, 0, 0);
1106 // 画像効果開始時に存在したobjectを消去
1107 // 新しい object 表示
1108 RefreshObj();
1109 return;
1110 }
1111 void GrpImpl::LoadSurface(const char* str) {
1112 if (anm1) AbortAnm(); // 前の描画が終わってなければ強制終了
1113 LoadSurface(str, 1);
1114 bg_name = str;
1115 }
1116 void GrpImpl::LoadSurface(void) {
1117 if (anm1) AbortAnm(); // 前の描画が終わってなければ強制終了
1118 LoadSurface(bg_name.c_str(), 1);
1119 }
1120 void GrpImpl::AddSurface(const char* str) {
1121 if (anm1) AbortAnm(); // 前の描画が終わってなければ強制終了
1122 LoadSurface(bg_name.c_str());
1124 string s = str;
1125 Surface* front = parent.Root().NewSurface(s.c_str());
1126 if (front == 0) {
1127 s += ".g00";
1128 front = parent.Root().NewSurface(s.c_str());
1129 }
1130 if (front) {
1131 parent.Root().BlitSurface(front, Rect(*front), Dsurface(1), Rect(0,0));
1132 parent.Root().DeleteSurface(front);
1133 } else {
1134 fprintf(stderr,"Cannot find surface %s\n",str);
1135 }
1136 }
1138 void GrpImpl::CreateObj(int index) {
1139 std::map<int, GrpObj>::iterator cur = grpobj.find(index);
1140 if (cur == grpobj.end()) return;
1141 GrpObj& g = grpobj[index];
1142 g.CreateSurface(&parent);
1143 g.order = index;
1144 if (g.picture == 0) return; // エラー:surface が存在しない
1145 g.picture->hide();
1146 SetObjChanged(index);
1147 ZMoveObj(index);
1148 return;
1149 }
1150 void GrpImpl::ZMoveObj(int index) {
1151 std::map<int, GrpObj>::iterator cur = grpobj.find(index);
1152 if (cur == grpobj.end()) return;
1153 GrpObj& g = grpobj[index];
1154 if (g.picture == 0) return;
1155 // 自分より前に object があれば、その前に表示
1156 // そうでなければ screen の前に表示
1157 std::map<int, GrpObj>::iterator cur_backobj = grpobj.end();
1158 std::map<int, GrpObj>::iterator it;
1159 for (it = grpobj.begin(); it != grpobj.end(); it++) {
1160 if (it == cur) continue;
1161 if (it->second.picture == 0) continue;
1162 if (it->second.order < g.order) {
1163 if (cur_backobj == grpobj.end()) {
1164 cur_backobj = it;
1165 } else if (cur_backobj->second.order < it->second.order) {
1166 cur_backobj = it;
1167 }
1168 }
1169 }
1170 if (cur_backobj == grpobj.end()) {
1171 g.picture->ZMove(screen);
1172 } else {
1173 g.picture->ZMove(cur_backobj->second.picture);
1174 }
1175 return;
1176 }
1177 void GrpImpl::SwapObj(int index1, int index2) {
1178 // デフォルト値から order が変更されていた場合のみ、order は保存される
1179 // まずは両方のobjectをswap
1180 if (grpobj.find(index1) == grpobj.end()) {
1181 if (grpobj.find(index2) == grpobj.end()) return; // どちらの object も存在しない
1182 grpobj[index1] = grpobj[index2];
1183 if (grpobj[index1].order == index2)
1184 grpobj[index1].order = index1;
1185 grpobj[index2].DeletePic();
1186 grpobj.erase(index2);
1187 ZMoveObj(index1);
1188 return;
1189 } else if (grpobj.find(index2) == grpobj.end()) { // index2 が存在しない場合
1190 grpobj[index2] = grpobj[index1];
1191 if (grpobj[index2].order == index1)
1192 grpobj[index2].order = index2;
1193 grpobj[index1].DeletePic();
1194 grpobj.erase(index1);
1195 ZMoveObj(index2);
1196 return;
1197 } else {
1198 GrpObj obj = grpobj[index1];
1199 grpobj[index1] = grpobj[index2];
1200 grpobj[index2].DeletePic();
1201 if (grpobj[index1].order == index2)
1202 grpobj[index1].order = index1;
1203 ZMoveObj(index1);
1204 grpobj[index2] = obj;
1205 if (grpobj[index2].order == index1)
1206 grpobj[index2].order = index2;
1207 ZMoveObj(index2);
1208 obj.DeletePic();
1209 }
1210 }
1212 bool GrpImpl::Pressed(int x, int y, void* pointer) { // マウスクリックでキャンセル
1213 GrpImpl* g = (GrpImpl*)pointer;
1214 if (g->status == WAIT_MOVIE)
1215 g->music.StopMovie();
1216 if (g->status == WAIT_ANM)
1217 g->AbortAnm();
1218 if (g->status == WAIT_SHAKE && g->anm2 != 0) {
1219 delete g->anm2;
1220 g->anm2 = 0;
1221 }
1222 return false; // event deleted
1223 }
1225 /* mode.cgm の decode 用 */
1226 static unsigned char decode_char[256] = {
1227 0x8b, 0xe5, 0x5d, 0xc3, 0xa1, 0xe0, 0x30, 0x44,
1228 0x00, 0x85, 0xc0, 0x74, 0x09, 0x5f, 0x5e, 0x33,
1229 0xc0, 0x5b, 0x8b, 0xe5, 0x5d, 0xc3, 0x8b, 0x45,
1230 0x0c, 0x85, 0xc0, 0x75, 0x14, 0x8b, 0x55, 0xec,
1231 0x83, 0xc2, 0x20, 0x52, 0x6a, 0x00, 0xe8, 0xf5,
1232 0x28, 0x01, 0x00, 0x83, 0xc4, 0x08, 0x89, 0x45,
1233 0x0c, 0x8b, 0x45, 0xe4, 0x6a, 0x00, 0x6a, 0x00,
1234 0x50, 0x53, 0xff, 0x15, 0x34, 0xb1, 0x43, 0x00,
1235 0x8b, 0x45, 0x10, 0x85, 0xc0, 0x74, 0x05, 0x8b,
1236 0x4d, 0xec, 0x89, 0x08, 0x8a, 0x45, 0xf0, 0x84,
1237 0xc0, 0x75, 0x78, 0xa1, 0xe0, 0x30, 0x44, 0x00,
1238 0x8b, 0x7d, 0xe8, 0x8b, 0x75, 0x0c, 0x85, 0xc0,
1239 0x75, 0x44, 0x8b, 0x1d, 0xd0, 0xb0, 0x43, 0x00,
1240 0x85, 0xff, 0x76, 0x37, 0x81, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00,
1241 0x04, 0x00, 0x6a, 0x00, 0x76, 0x43, 0x8b, 0x45,
1242 0xf8, 0x8d, 0x55, 0xfc, 0x52, 0x68, 0x00, 0x00,
1243 0x04, 0x00, 0x56, 0x50, 0xff, 0x15, 0x2c, 0xb1,
1244 0x43, 0x00, 0x6a, 0x05, 0xff, 0xd3, 0xa1, 0xe0,
1245 0x30, 0x44, 0x00, 0x81, 0xef, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04,
1246 0x00, 0x81, 0xc6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x85,
1247 0xc0, 0x74, 0xc5, 0x8b, 0x5d, 0xf8, 0x53, 0xe8,
1248 0xf4, 0xfb, 0xff, 0xff, 0x8b, 0x45, 0x0c, 0x83,
1249 0xc4, 0x04, 0x5f, 0x5e, 0x5b, 0x8b, 0xe5, 0x5d,
1250 0xc3, 0x8b, 0x55, 0xf8, 0x8d, 0x4d, 0xfc, 0x51,
1251 0x57, 0x56, 0x52, 0xff, 0x15, 0x2c, 0xb1, 0x43,
1252 0x00, 0xeb, 0xd8, 0x8b, 0x45, 0xe8, 0x83, 0xc0,
1253 0x20, 0x50, 0x6a, 0x00, 0xe8, 0x47, 0x28, 0x01,
1254 0x00, 0x8b, 0x7d, 0xe8, 0x89, 0x45, 0xf4, 0x8b,
1255 0xf0, 0xa1, 0xe0, 0x30, 0x44, 0x00, 0x83, 0xc4,
1256 0x08, 0x85, 0xc0, 0x75, 0x56, 0x8b, 0x1d, 0xd0,
1257 0xb0, 0x43, 0x00, 0x85, 0xff, 0x76, 0x49, 0x81,
1258 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x6a, 0x00, 0x76
1259 };
1261 void GrpImpl::LoadCgm(AyuSysConfig& config) {
1262 /* cgm ファイル読み込み */
1263 const char* fname = config.GetParaStr("#CGTABLE_FILE");
1264 if (fname == 0) return;
1265 ARCINFO* info = file_searcher.Find(FILESEARCH::ALL, fname, "");
1266 if (info == 0) return;
1267 char* data = info->CopyRead();
1268 int sz = info->Size();
1269 delete info;
1272 if ( strncmp(data, "CGTABLE", 7) != 0) {
1273 delete[] data;
1274 return;
1275 }
1276 int cgm_size = read_little_endian_int(data+0x10);
1278 int i,j;
1279 // xor 解除
1280 for (i=0;i<sz-0x20; i++) {
1281 data[i+0x20]^=decode_char[i&0xff];
1282 }
1283 // 展開
1284 int dest_size = cgm_size * 36;
1285 char* dest = new char[dest_size+1024];
1286 char* src = data + 0x28;
1287 char* dest_orig = dest;
1288 ARCINFO::Extract2k(dest,src,dest+dest_size,data+sz);
1289 dest = dest_orig;
1290 for (i=0; i<cgm_size; i++) {
1291 char* s = dest + i * 36;
1292 int n = read_little_endian_int(dest + i * 36 + 32);
1293 cgm_info[s] = n;
1294 }
1295 delete[] data;
1296 delete[] dest_orig;
1297 }
1299 /*****************************************************
1300 *
1301 * GrpImpl :: Save, Load : セーブファイル処理
1302 *
1303 */
1304 void GrpImpl::Save(std::string& str) {
1305 }
1306 void GrpImpl::Load(const char* str) {
1307 status = NORMAL;
1308 if (anm1) {
1309 AbortAnm();
1310 }
1311 if (anm2) {
1312 anm2->Abort();
1313 delete anm2;
1314 anm2 = 0;
1315 }
1316 map<int,GrpObj>::iterator it;
1317 for (it=grpobj.begin(); it!=grpobj.end(); it++) {
1318 PicBase* p = it->second.DeletePic();
1319 delete p;
1320 }
1321 grpobj.clear();
1323 bg_name = "";
1324 music.StopCDROM(100);
1325 }
1326 void GrpImpl::SaveSys(string& save) {
1327 char buf[1024];
1328 save = "\n[Graphics]\n";
1329 save += "CGM_CG=";
1331 set<int>::iterator it;
1332 for (it=cgm_data.begin(); it != cgm_data.end(); it++) {
1333 sprintf(buf,"%d,",*it);
1334 save += buf;
1335 }
1336 save += "\n";
1337 }
1338 void GrpImpl::LoadSys(const char* save) {
1339 cgm_data.clear();
1340 save = strstr(save, "\n[Graphics]\n");
1342 if (save) {
1343 save += strlen("\n[Graphics]\n");
1344 do {
1345 if (save[0] == '[') break; // next section
1346 if (strncmp(save, "CGM_CG=",7) == 0) {
1347 save += 7;
1348 while(isdigit(*save)) {
1349 int n = atoi(save);
1350 cgm_data.insert(n);
1351 save = strchr(save, ',');
1352 if (save) save++;
1353 }
1354 }
1355 save = strchr(save, '\n');
1356 if (save) save++;
1357 } while (save);
1358 }
1359 return;
1360 }
1363 /*****************************************************
1364 *
1365 * GrpImpl :: Wait , Exec : コマンド実行部
1366 *
1367 */
1368 static vector<int> drawn_images;
1369 static int draw_n = 0;
1370 extern bool grpdump_req;
1371 bool GrpImpl::Wait(unsigned int current_time, Cmd& cmd) {
1372 if (grpdump_req) {
1373 grpdump_req = 0;
1374 std::map<int,GrpObj>::iterator it;
1375 fprintf(stderr,"front %08x(%d) / %08x(%d)\n",screen,screen->IsHidden(),screen_front,screen_front->IsHidden());
1376 for (it=grpobj.begin(); it != grpobj.end(); it++) {
1377 GrpObj& obj = it->second;
1378 GrpObj& parent_obj = grpobj[ ((it->first)/1000) * 1000];
1379 if (obj.picture) {
1380 if (!obj.name.empty()) {
1381 fprintf(stderr,"obj %06d(%08x): name %10s pos %d,%d alpha %d (%d/%d/%d)\n",
1382 it->first,obj.picture,obj.name.c_str(),
1383 obj.PosX(),obj.PosY(),obj.alpha,obj.attr&GrpObj::HIDDEN ? 1 : 0,parent_obj.attr&GrpObj::HIDDEN_GROUP ? 1 : 0,obj.picture->IsHidden());
1384 } else if (!obj.print_moji.empty()) {
1385 fprintf(stderr,"obj %06d(%08x): name %10s pos %d,%d alpha %d (%d/%d/%d)\n",
1386 it->first,obj.picture,obj.print_moji.c_str(),
1387 obj.PosX(),obj.PosY(),obj.alpha,obj.attr&GrpObj::HIDDEN ? 1 : 0,parent_obj.attr&GrpObj::HIDDEN_GROUP ? 1 : 0,obj.picture->IsHidden());
1388 } else {
1389 fprintf(stderr,"obj %06d(%08x): name %10s pos %d,%d alpha %d (%d/%d/%d)\n",
1390 it->first,obj.picture,"<EMPTY>",
1391 obj.PosX(),obj.PosY(),obj.alpha,obj.attr&GrpObj::HIDDEN ? 1 : 0,parent_obj.attr&GrpObj::HIDDEN_GROUP ? 1 : 0,obj.picture->IsHidden());
1392 }
1393 }
1394 }
1395 std::list<PicBase*>::iterator it2;
1396 for (it2=parent.children.begin(); it2!=parent.children.end();it2++) {
1397 fprintf(stderr,"%08x(%d)\n",*it2,(*it2)->IsHidden());
1398 }
1399 RefreshObj();
1401 }
1402 #if 0
1403 if (event.presscount(MOUSE_UP)) {
1404 std::list<PicBase*>::iterator lit;
1405 draw_n++; int i=0;
1406 for (lit=parent.children.end(); lit!=parent.children.begin(); ) {
1407 lit--;
1408 (*lit)->hide();
1409 i++;
1410 if (i >= draw_n) break;
1411 }
1412 if (drawn_images.empty()) {
1413 map<int, GrpObj>::iterator it;
1414 for (it=grpobj.begin(); it!=grpobj.end(); it++) {
1415 if (it->second.picture) {
1416 drawn_images.push_back(it->first);
1417 PicBase* p = it->second.DeletePic();
1418 delete p;
1419 }
1420 }
1421 } else {
1422 vector<int>::iterator it;
1423 for (it=drawn_images.begin(); it!=drawn_images.end(); it++) {
1424 CreateObj(*it);
1425 }
1426 drawn_images.clear();
1427 }
1428 }
1429 #endif
1430 if (status == WAIT_ANM) {
1431 if (anm1) {
1432 if (!anm1->IsEnd()) return true;
1433 AbortAnm();
1434 }
1435 } else if (status == WAIT_SHAKE) {
1436 if (anm2) {
1437 if (!anm2->IsEnd()) return true;
1438 delete anm2;
1439 anm2 = 0;
1440 }
1441 status = NORMAL;
1442 } else if (status == WAIT_SE) {
1443 if (music.IsStopSE()) status = NORMAL;
1444 return true;
1445 } else if (status == WAIT_MOVIE) {
1446 if (music.IsStopMovie()) {
1447 music.StopMovie();
1448 status = NORMAL;
1449 screen->ReBlit();
1450 }
1451 return true;
1452 }
1453 if (anm2) {
1454 if (anm2->IsEnd()) {
1455 delete anm2;
1456 anm2 = 0;
1457 }
1458 }
1459 return false;
1460 }
1462 void GrpImpl::DeleteObjPic(int num) { // object の surface のみ削除
1463 if (grpobj.find(num) == grpobj.end()) return;
1464 deleted_pic.push_back(grpobj[num].DeletePic());
1465 }
1466 void GrpImpl::DeleteObj(int num) {
1467 if (grpobj.find(num) == grpobj.end()) return;
1468 deleted_pic.push_back(grpobj[num].DeletePic());
1469 grpobj.erase(num);
1470 }
1471 void GrpImpl::DeleteObjRange(int num_first, int num_end) {
1472 std::map<int, GrpObj>::iterator begin,end,it;
1473 begin = grpobj.lower_bound(num_first);
1474 end = grpobj.lower_bound(num_end);
1475 for (it=begin;it!=end;it++) {
1476 deleted_pic.push_back(it->second.DeletePic());
1477 }
1478 grpobj.erase(begin, end);
1479 }
1480 void GrpImpl::Exec(Cmd& cmd) {
1481 if (cmd.cmd_type == CMD_TEXTEND) {
1482 music.StopKoe(500); // テキスト終了で声を止める
1483 cmd.clear();
1484 return;
1485 }
1486 if (cmd.cmd_type == CMD_WAITFRAMEUPDATE) {
1487 // wait する場合は RefreshObj() しておく
1488 RefreshObj();
1489 }
1490 if (cmd.cmd_type != CMD_OTHER) return;
1491 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 0x1e && cmd.cmd3 == 0) {
1492 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMDGRP_START; // grp stack clear
1493 }
1494 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 0x21) {
1495 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x46) {
1496 const char* name = cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]);
1497 int pdt = cmd.args[1].value;
1498 eprintf("load surface %s pdt %d\n",name, pdt);
1499 if (pdt == 0)
1500 reserved_load_surface0 = name; // 画像読み込みは 01-1f:0000 まで待つ
1501 else if (pdt == 1)
1502 LoadSurface(name); // 背景絵読み込み?
1503 else
1504 LoadSurface(name, pdt);
1505 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMDGRP;
1506 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x49) {
1507 const char* name = cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]);
1508 int sel = cmd.args[1].value;
1509 eprintf("set background %s sel %d\n",name, sel);
1510 if (name[0] == '?') {
1511 LoadSurface();
1512 } else {
1513 LoadSurface(name);
1514 }
1515 StartAnm(sel);
1516 status = WAIT_ANM;
1517 event.RegisterGlobalPressFunc(&Pressed, (void*)this);
1518 if (name[0] == '?')
1519 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMDGRP_ONCE;
1520 else
1521 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMDGRP_START;
1522 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x4b) {
1523 int pos = cmd.args[0].value;
1524 const char* name = cmd.Str(cmd.args[1]);
1525 int sel = cmd.args[2].value;
1526 eprintf("set foreground %s sel %d pos %d\n",name, sel, pos);
1527 AddSurface(name);
1528 StartAnm(sel);
1529 event.RegisterGlobalPressFunc(&Pressed, (void*)this);
1530 status = WAIT_ANM;
1531 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMDGRP_ONCE;
1532 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x4c) {
1533 /* 0x46 との違いがわからない */
1534 /* とりあえず bg として登録しないでみる */
1535 /* 735 / 19438 : unsupported command; 0x23 - cmd 01-21:004c:00[ 2]
1536 ** "?",0
1537 */
1538 /* arg1 = "?" arg2 = 0 */
1539 const char* name = cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]);
1540 int sel = cmd.args[1].value;
1541 if (name[0] == '?') {
1542 LoadSurface();
1543 } else {
1544 LoadSurface(name, 1);
1545 }
1546 StartAnm(sel);
1547 status = WAIT_ANM;
1548 event.RegisterGlobalPressFunc(&Pressed, (void*)this);
1549 if (name[0] == '?')
1550 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMDGRP_ONCE;
1551 else
1552 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMDGRP_START;
1553 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x20) {
1554 // shake screen
1555 char key[1024];
1556 sprintf(key, "#SHAKE.%03d", cmd.args[0].value);
1557 if (config.SearchParam(key) != 2) {
1558 fprintf(stderr,"Cannot find shake pattern %d; use default pattern\n",cmd.args[0].value);
1559 strcpy(key, "#SHAKE.000"); // default key
1560 }
1561 int num; const int* pattern;
1562 pattern = config.GetParamArray(key, num);
1563 if (pattern) {
1564 StartShake(num, pattern);
1565 status = WAIT_SHAKE;
1566 }
1567 cmd.clear();
1568 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x64 && cmd.cmd4 == 2) { // copy (KANOGI)
1569 int sx = cmd.args[0].value;
1570 int sy = cmd.args[1].value;
1571 int w = cmd.args[2].value - sx;
1572 int h = cmd.args[3].value - sy;
1573 Rect rect(sx, sy, sx+w, sy+h);
1574 int src = cmd.args[4].value;
1575 int dx = cmd.args[5].value;
1576 int dy = cmd.args[6].value;
1577 int dest = cmd.args[7].value;
1578 unsigned char alpha;
1579 eprintf("copy surface %d:(%d,%d) size(%d,%d) -> %d:(%d,%d)\n",src,sx,sy,w,h,dest,dx,dy);
1580 printf("copy surface %d:(%d,%d) size(%d,%d) -> %d:(%d,%d)\n",src,sx,sy,w,h,dest,dx,dy);
1581 if (src == dest) {
1582 DSurfaceMove(Ssurface(src), rect, Dsurface(WORKPDT), rect);
1583 src = WORKPDT;
1584 }
1585 parent.Root().BlitSurface(Ssurface(src), rect, Dsurface(dest), Rect(dx,dy));
1586 if (dest == 0) screen->ReBlit(Rect(dx,dy,dx+w,dy+h));
1587 cmd.clear();
1588 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x4b1 && cmd.cmd4 == 2) {
1589 int x = cmd.args[0].value;
1590 int y = cmd.args[1].value;
1591 int w = cmd.args[2].value;
1592 int h = cmd.args[3].value;
1593 Rect rect(x,y,x+w,y+w);
1594 int pdt = cmd.args[4].value;
1595 int r = cmd.args[5].value;
1596 int g = cmd.args[6].value;
1597 int b = cmd.args[7].value;
1598 eprintf("clear %d:(%d,%d) size (%d,%d) r %d g %d b %d\n",pdt,x,y,w,h,r,g,b);
1599 DSurfaceFill(Dsurface(pdt), rect, r, g, b, 0xff);
1600 // if (pdt == 0) screen->ReBlit(rect);
1601 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMDGRP;
1602 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x4b1 && cmd.cmd4 == 3) { // alpha つきfill
1603 int x = cmd.args[0].value;
1604 int y = cmd.args[1].value;
1605 int w = cmd.args[2].value;
1606 int h = cmd.args[3].value;
1607 Rect rect(x,y,x+w,y+h);
1608 int pdt = cmd.args[4].value;
1609 int r = cmd.args[5].value;
1610 int g = cmd.args[6].value;
1611 int b = cmd.args[7].value;
1612 int a = cmd.args[8].value;
1613 eprintf("alpha-clear %d:(%d,%d) size (%d,%d) r %d g %d b %d a %d\n",pdt,x,y,w,h,r,g,b,a);
1614 if (a <= 0) ;
1615 else if (a >= 255) DSurfaceFill(Dsurface(pdt), rect, r, g, b);
1616 else {
1617 DSurfaceFill(Dsurface(WORKPDT), rect, r, g, b, a);
1618 parent.Root().BlitSurface(Dsurface(WORKPDT), rect, Dsurface(pdt), rect);
1619 }
1620 // if (pdt == 0) screen->ReBlit(rect);
1621 cmd.clear();
1622 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x44c && cmd.cmd4 == 2) {
1623 int sx = cmd.args[0].value;
1624 int sy = cmd.args[1].value;
1625 int w = cmd.args[2].value;
1626 int h = cmd.args[3].value;
1627 int src = cmd.args[4].value;
1628 int dx = cmd.args[5].value;
1629 int dy = cmd.args[6].value;
1630 int dest = cmd.args[7].value;
1631 eprintf("copy surface %d:(%d,%d) size(%d,%d) -> %d:(%d,%d)\n",src,sx,sy,w,h,dest,dx,dy);
1632 parent.Root().BlitSurface(Ssurface(src), Rect(sx,sy,sx+w,sy+h), Dsurface(dest), Rect(dx,dy));
1633 //DSurfaceMove(Ssurface(src), Rect(sx,sy,sx+w,sy+h), Dsurface(dest), Rect(dx,dy));
1634 // if (dest == 0) screen->ReBlit(Rect(dx,dy,dx+w,dy+h));
1635 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMDGRP;
1636 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x44c && cmd.cmd4 == 3) { // alpha つきcopy
1637 int sx = cmd.args[0].value;
1638 int sy = cmd.args[1].value;
1639 int w = cmd.args[2].value;
1640 int h = cmd.args[3].value;
1641 Rect rect(sx, sy, sx+w, sy+h);
1642 int src = cmd.args[4].value;
1643 int dx = cmd.args[5].value;
1644 int dy = cmd.args[6].value;
1645 int dest = cmd.args[7].value;
1646 unsigned char alpha;
1647 if (cmd.args[8].value < 0) alpha = 0;
1648 else if (cmd.args[8].value > 255) alpha = 255;
1649 else alpha = cmd.args[8].value;
1650 eprintf("copy surface %d:(%d,%d) size(%d,%d) -> %d:(%d,%d)\n",src,sx,sy,w,h,dest,dx,dy);
1651 if (src == dest) {
1652 DSurfaceMove(Ssurface(src), rect, Dsurface(WORKPDT), rect);
1653 src = WORKPDT;
1654 }
1655 if (alpha != 0)
1656 parent.Root().BlitSurface(Ssurface(src), rect, &alpha, Rect(0,0,1,1), Dsurface(dest), Rect(dx,dy), 0);
1657 // if (dest == 0) screen->ReBlit(Rect(dx,dy,dx+w,dy+h));
1658 cmd.clear();
1659 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x640 && cmd.cmd4 == 3) { // saturate mode で alpha 付き copy
1660 int sx = cmd.args[0].value;
1661 int sy = cmd.args[1].value;
1662 int w = cmd.args[2].value;
1663 int h = cmd.args[3].value;
1664 Rect rect(sx, sy, sx+w, sy+h);
1665 int src = cmd.args[4].value;
1666 int dx = cmd.args[5].value;
1667 int dy = cmd.args[6].value;
1668 int dest = cmd.args[7].value;
1669 unsigned char alpha;
1670 if (cmd.args[8].value < 0) alpha = 0;
1671 else if (cmd.args[8].value > 255) alpha = 255;
1672 else alpha = cmd.args[8].value;
1673 eprintf("copy surface w/ saturate %d:(%d,%d) size(%d,%d) -> %d:(%d,%d)\n",src,sx,sy,w,h,dest,dx,dy);
1674 if (src == dest) {
1675 DSurfaceMove(Ssurface(src), rect, Dsurface(WORKPDT), rect);
1676 src = WORKPDT;
1677 }
1678 if (alpha != 0) {
1679 // saturate mode : screen (picture) を一時的に作成
1680 PicBase* screen_tmp = parent.create_leaf(Rect(0, 0, parent.Width(), parent.Height()), 0);
1681 screen_tmp->SetSurface(Ssurface(src), 0, 0, PicBase::BLIT_SATURATE);
1682 screen_tmp->SetSurfaceRect(rect);
1683 screen_tmp->Move(dx, dy);
1684 screen_tmp->SetSurfaceAlpha(&alpha, Rect(0,0,1,1));
1685 screen_tmp->SimpleBlit(Dsurface(dest));
1686 delete screen_tmp;
1687 }
1688 cmd.clear();
1689 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x196 && cmd.cmd4 == 0) {
1690 Rect r_from(cmd.args[0].value, cmd.args[1].value);
1691 Rect r_to(cmd.args[2].value, cmd.args[3].value);
1692 int src_pdt = cmd.args[4].value;
1693 Rect r(cmd.args[5].value,cmd.args[6].value,cmd.args[7].value+1,cmd.args[8].value+1);
1694 int tm = cmd.args[9].value;
1695 fprintf(stderr,"??? cmd time %d\n",tm);
1696 // anm1 = new ScnGrpMove(event, screen, parent.Root(), surface, r, Ssurface(2), r_from, r_to, tm);
1697 // status = WAIT_ANM;
1698 }
1699 }
1700 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 0x22) {
1701 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x0c30 && cmd.cmd4 == 0) { // スクロールする画像効果(Princess Bride)
1702 if (anm2) {
1703 anm2->Abort();
1704 delete anm2;
1705 }
1706 PicBase* pic; Surface* s;
1707 Rect r(cmd.args[1].value, cmd.args[2].value, cmd.args[3].value+1, cmd.args[4].value+1);
1708 const char* name = cmd.Str(cmd.args[5]);
1709 Rect sr_start(cmd.args[6].value,cmd.args[7].value);
1710 Rect sr_end(cmd.args[8].value,cmd.args[9].value);
1711 int tm = cmd.args[10].value;
1712 LoadSurface(name, 2); /* PDT2 に読み込み、と決め打ち */
1714 anm2 = new ScnGrpMove(event, screen, parent.Root(), Dsurface(1), r, Ssurface(2), sr_start, sr_end, tm);
1715 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMDGRP;
1716 }
1717 if ( (cmd.cmd3 == 0xc1c && cmd.cmd4 == 0) || (cmd.cmd3 == 0x835 && cmd.cmd4 == 0) ) {
1718 // カードが落ちるアニメーション
1719 int i;
1720 ScnGrpAnm* new_anm = new ScnGrpAnm(event, screen, *this);
1721 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x835) {
1722 AbortAnm();
1723 anm1 = new_anm;
1724 status = WAIT_ANM;
1725 event.RegisterGlobalPressFunc(&Pressed, (void*)this);
1726 } else {
1727 anm2 = new_anm;
1728 }
1729 for (i=0; i<cmd.argc; i++) {
1730 const char* name = cmd.Str(cmd.args[i*3+1]);
1731 int tm = cmd.args[i*3+2].value;
1732 new_anm->push_back(ScnGrpAnmAtom(name,tm));
1733 }
1734 new_anm->CalcTotal();
1735 cmd.clear();
1736 }
1737 }
1738 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 4) {
1739 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0xd8 || cmd.cmd3 == 0xd3 || cmd.cmd3 == 0xd2 || cmd.cmd3 == 0xd7) {
1740 cmd.clear(); // いつも 0xd8 / 0xd7 と組で出てくる
1741 }
1742 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x5e0) { // 画像既視フラグを得る
1743 string s = cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]);
1744 if (cgm_info.find(s) == cgm_info.end()) {
1745 fprintf(stderr,"cmd 01-04:05e0 : cannot find cgm-info of '%s'\n",s.c_str());
1746 return;
1747 }
1748 int n = cgm_info[s];
1749 if (cgm_data.find(n) == cgm_data.end()) cmd.SetSysvar(0);
1750 else cmd.SetSysvar(1);
1751 }
1752 }
1753 #if 1
1754 /* object 操作 */
1755 if ( (cmd.cmd1 == 1 || cmd.cmd1 == 2) && (cmd.cmd2 == 0x3d || cmd.cmd2 == 0x3e) && (cmd.cmd3 == 0x0a || cmd.cmd3 == 0x0b || cmd.cmd3 == 0x0e)) { // clear object
1756 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x0a || cmd.cmd3 == 0x0b) {
1757 if (cmd.cmd1 == 2 && cmd.args.size() == 2) {
1758 int num = cmd.args[0].value*1000 + cmd.args[1].value + 500;
1759 DeleteObj(num);
1760 } else if (cmd.args.size() == 1) { // group ごと消去
1761 int num_first = cmd.args[0].value * 1000;
1762 int num_end = num_first+1000;
1763 DeleteObjRange(num_first, num_end);
1764 }
1765 } else { // 0x0e
1766 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.args.size() == 2) {
1767 SwapObj(cmd.args[0].value * 1000, cmd.args[1].value * 1000);
1768 } else if (cmd.cmd1 == 2 && cmd.args.size() == 3) {
1769 int v1 = cmd.args[0].value*1000 + cmd.args[1].value + 500;
1770 int v2 = cmd.args[0].value*1000 + cmd.args[2].value + 500;
1771 SwapObj(v1, v2);
1772 }
1773 }
1774 cmd.clear();
1775 }
1776 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 0x3c && cmd.cmd3 == 0x01) { // ??? : CLANNAD
1777 cmd.clear();
1778 }
1779 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 0x3c && cmd.cmd3 == 0) { // ??? : KANOGI : 画像オブジェクトの削除?
1780 DeleteObjPic(cmd.args[0].value * 1000); // 旧ファイル名のsurfaceを削除
1781 GrpObj& g = grpobj[cmd.args[0].value * 1000];
1782 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr | GrpObj::HIDDEN);
1783 cmd.clear();
1784 }
1785 if ( (cmd.cmd1 == 1 || cmd.cmd1 == 2) && (cmd.cmd2 == 0x47 || cmd.cmd2 == 0x48|| cmd.cmd2 == 0x49 || cmd.cmd2 == 0x51 || cmd.cmd2 == 0x52 || cmd.cmd2 == 0x54)) {
1786 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1) {
1787 if (cmd.args.size() >= 1) cmd.args[0].value *= 1000; // とりあえず 1000倍しておく
1788 } else { // cmd.cmd2 == 2
1789 // オブジェクト番号を指定するコマンド引数が一つ増えているのを消去
1790 vector<VarInfo> args = cmd.args;
1791 cmd.args.clear();
1792 if (args.size() >= 2) {
1793 cmd.args.push_back(args[0].value*1000 + args[1].value + 500);
1794 cmd.args.insert(cmd.args.end(), args.begin()+2, args.end());
1795 }
1796 }
1797 if (cmd.cmd2 == 0x47) {
1798 /**************:
1799 0x47 : オブジェクト内容の設定
1800 0x3e8: G00 ファイル
1801 0x3eb: GAN ファイル
1802 0x44c: 矩形領域
1803 0x4b0: 文字列
1804 0x514: 天候効果
1805 0x578: 数字の画像表示
1806 */
1807 int base_argc = 0;
1808 DeleteObjPic(cmd.args[0].value); // 旧ファイル名のsurfaceを削除
1809 GrpObj& g = grpobj[cmd.args[0].value];
1810 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3e8) { /* ファイル名設定 */
1811 g.gtype = GrpObj::FILE;
1812 string name = cmd.Str(cmd.args[1]);
1813 if (name.find('?') != -1) {
1814 name.erase(name.find('?')); // '?' 以降の意味がわからない
1815 }
1816 g.name = name;
1817 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3eb) { /* ファイル名設定(GAN含む) */
1818 g.gtype = GrpObj::GAN;
1819 if (cmd.Str(cmd.args[1]) == string("???"))
1820 g.name = cmd.Str(cmd.args[2]);
1821 else
1822 g.name = cmd.Str(cmd.args[1]);
1823 g.gan_name = cmd.Str(cmd.args[2]);
1825 if (cmd.cmd4 >= 1 && cmd.args[3].value == 0)
1826 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr | GrpObj::HIDDEN);
1827 else
1828 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr & ~(GrpObj::HIDDEN));
1830 if (cmd.argc >= 5)
1831 g.SetPos(1, cmd.args[4].value, -cmd.args[5].value);
1833 if (g.name.find('?') != -1) {
1834 g.name.erase(g.name.find('?'));
1835 g.gan_name = cmd.Str(cmd.args[2]);
1836 }
1837 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x4b0) { // 画像を文字列として指定
1838 g.gtype = GrpObj::MOJI;
1839 g.print_moji = cmd.Str(cmd.args[1]);
1840 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr & (~GrpObj::HIDDEN)); // 常に表示がデフォルト?
1841 cmd.clear();
1842 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x578) { // 数値を画像として表示
1843 g.gtype = GrpObj::DIGIT;
1844 g.name = cmd.Str(cmd.args[1]);
1845 }
1846 CreateObj(cmd.args[0].value);
1847 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3e8 || cmd.cmd3 == 0x3eb || cmd.cmd3 == 0x4b0 || cmd.cmd3 == 0x578) {
1848 // FILE, GAN, MOJI, DIGIT ならば座標等の設定を行う
1849 if (cmd.cmd4 >= 1+base_argc) {
1850 if (cmd.args[2+base_argc].value == 0) {
1851 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1)
1852 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr | GrpObj::HIDDEN | GrpObj::HIDDEN_GROUP);
1853 else
1854 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr | GrpObj::HIDDEN);
1855 } else {
1856 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1)
1857 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr & (~(GrpObj::HIDDEN | GrpObj::HIDDEN_GROUP)));
1858 else
1859 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr & (~GrpObj::HIDDEN));
1860 }
1861 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1)
1862 SetObjChangedGroup(cmd.args[0].value);
1863 }
1864 if (cmd.cmd4 >= 2+base_argc) { // 座標等も設定
1865 g.SetPos(0,cmd.args[3+base_argc].value, cmd.args[4+base_argc].value);
1866 }
1867 if ( (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3e8 || cmd.cmd3 == 0x3eb) && cmd.cmd4 >= 4+base_argc) { // pattern 番号も設定
1868 g.SetSurfaceNum(cmd.args[5+base_argc].value);
1869 base_argc++; // 0x3e8 (FILE) / 0x3eb (GAN) の場合のみこのオプションは存在する
1870 }
1871 cmd.clear();
1872 } else {
1873 fprintf(stderr,"CreateObj : cmd.cmd3 = %04x ; not supported!\n",cmd.cmd3);
1874 }
1875 } else if (cmd.cmd2 == 0x48) {
1876 // 画面切り替え後の object (back screen object) 設定
1877 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3e8) {
1878 // cmd.cmd4 == 0 : args = 2, CLANNAD : cg mode
1879 // cmd.cmd4 == 1 : args = 3, CLANNAD : 春原回想?のところで画面が黒くなってしまうので、とりあえず。
1880 // cmd.cmd4 == 2 : args = 5, KANOGI : Fore Graphics
1881 // cmd.cmd4 == 3 : args = 6, KANOGI : CG mode
1882 GrpObj& g = bs_obj[cmd.args[0].value];
1883 string name = cmd.Str(cmd.args[1]);
1884 if (name.find('?') != -1) {
1885 name.erase(name.find('?')); // '?' 以降の意味がわからない
1886 }
1887 g.gtype = GrpObj::FILE;
1888 g.name = name;
1889 if (cmd.cmd4 >= 1 && cmd.args[2].value == 0)
1890 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr | GrpObj::HIDDEN);
1891 else
1892 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr & ~(GrpObj::HIDDEN));
1893 if (cmd.cmd4 >= 2)
1894 g.SetPos(0,cmd.args[3].value, cmd.args[4].value);
1895 if (cmd.cmd4 >= 3)
1896 g.SetSurfaceNum(cmd.args[5].value);
1897 if (cmd.cmd4 <= 3)
1898 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMDGRP;
1899 }
1900 } else if (cmd.cmd2 == 0x49) {
1901 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0) { // アニメーションを強制終了
1902 GrpObj& g = grpobj[cmd.args[0].value];
1903 if (g.anm == 0 || g.anm->IsEnd()) ;
1904 else g.anm->Abort();
1905 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 3) { // アニメーション中か?
1906 GrpObj& g = grpobj[cmd.args[0].value];
1907 if (g.anm == 0 || g.anm->IsEnd()) {
1908 cmd.SetSysvar(0);
1909 } else {
1910 cmd.SetSysvar(1);
1911 }
1912 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 1000) {
1913 // アニメーションを途中で停止した状態にする
1914 GrpObj& g = grpobj[cmd.args[0].value];
1915 if (g.anm == 0 || g.anm->IsEnd()) {
1916 // fprintf(stderr,"AnimPause : no animation in %d (%d)\n",cmd.args[0].value, cmd.args[1].value);
1917 g.SetSurfaceNum(cmd.args[1].value);
1918 } else {
1919 g.anm->Abort();
1920 g.SetSurfaceNum(cmd.args[1].value);
1921 }
1922 SetObjChanged(cmd.args[0].value);
1923 cmd.clear();
1924 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x7d3) { // surface を増加させる画像効果
1925 GrpObj& g = grpobj[cmd.args[0].value];
1926 g.CreateGanSpecial(event, 0, cmd.args[1].value);
1927 // g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr & (~GrpObj::HIDDEN));
1928 SetObjChanged(cmd.args[0].value);
1929 cmd.clear();
1930 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0xbbd || cmd.cmd3 == 0xbbb || cmd.cmd3 == 0xbb9) { // アニメーション開始
1931 GrpObj& g = grpobj[cmd.args[0].value];
1932 g.CreateGan(event, cmd.args[1].value);
1933 // g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr & (~GrpObj::HIDDEN));
1934 SetObjChanged(cmd.args[0].value);
1935 cmd.clear();
1936 }
1937 } else if (cmd.cmd2 == 0x51 || cmd.cmd2 == 0x52) {
1938 GrpObj& g = (cmd.cmd2 == 0x51) ?
1939 grpobj[cmd.args[0].value] :
1940 bs_obj[cmd.args[0].value];
1941 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3e8) { /* 座標設定 */
1942 g.SetPos(0,cmd.args[1].value, cmd.args[2].value);
1943 cmd.clear();
1944 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3e9 || cmd.cmd3 == 0x3ea) { /* x / y 座標のみ設定 */
1945 int x0, y0;
1946 g.GetPos(0, x0, y0);
1947 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3e9)
1948 g.SetPos(0,cmd.args[1].value, y0);
1949 else
1950 g.SetPos(0,x0, cmd.args[1].value);
1951 cmd.clear();
1952 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3eb) { /* alpha */
1953 g.SetAlpha(cmd.args[1].value);
1954 cmd.clear();
1955 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3ec) { /* visible flag */
1956 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1) {
1957 if (cmd.args[1].value) g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr & (~(GrpObj::HIDDEN | GrpObj::HIDDEN_GROUP)));
1958 else g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr | GrpObj::HIDDEN | GrpObj::HIDDEN_GROUP);
1959 } else {
1960 if (cmd.args[1].value) g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr & (~GrpObj::HIDDEN));
1961 else g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr | GrpObj::HIDDEN);
1962 }
1963 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr | GrpObj::UPDATE_VISIBLE);
1964 // グループ単位で次の RefreshObj で表示・消去
1965 if (cmd.cmd2 == 0x51 && cmd.cmd1 == 1)
1966 SetObjChangedGroup(cmd.args[0].value);
1967 cmd.clear();
1968 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3ee || cmd.cmd3 == 0x7d6) { /* 座標設定その2? */
1969 /* 0x7d6 : 画像側の基準座標を args[4,5] に入れているのかもしれない */
1970 int index = cmd.args[1].value;
1971 int x = cmd.args[2].value;
1972 int y = cmd.args[3].value;
1973 g.SetPos(index+1, x, y);
1974 cmd.clear();
1975 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3f8) { // 画像を文字列として設定:色の設定
1976 g.print_r = cmd.args[1].value;
1977 g.print_g = cmd.args[2].value;
1978 g.print_b = cmd.args[3].value;
1979 g.SetUpdate();
1980 // grpobj[cmd.args[0].value].print_a = cmd.args[4].value;
1981 /* args:229,18,minus-1,0,99,255,-1 */
1982 /* args:102,26,minus-1,0,99,0,255 */
1983 cmd.clear();
1984 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3fd) { // centering mode などを設定?
1985 if (cmd.args[1].value == 1) {
1986 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr | GrpObj::SATURATE);
1987 cmd.clear();
1988 } else if (cmd.args[1].value == 0) {
1989 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(g.attr & (~GrpObj::SATURATE));
1990 cmd.clear();
1991 }
1992 g.SetUpdate();
1993 /* cmd3 == 0x41c : ゲームの進行とともに
1994 args:10,105
1995 args:10,133
1996 args:10,144
1997 args:10,144
1998 と変化
2000 cmd3 == 0x418 :
2001 args: 10, 400 -> 100
2002 と、alpha の増加とともに変化
2003 */
2004 /*
2005 487 / 8047 : unsupported command; 0x23 - cmd 01-51:0419:00[ 2]
2006 81,-40,
2007 第二引数の 1/10 がオブジェクトの回転角
2008 */
2009 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x400) { // 画像を文字列として指定
2010 g.print_moji = cmd.Str(cmd.args[1]);
2011 g.SetUpdate();
2012 cmd.clear();
2013 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x401) { // 画像を文字列として設定:文字の大きさなど
2014 /* args: size, xspace, yspace, vertical, color, shadow */
2015 /*
2016 args:17, 0,0,-1, 0,-1 DT in Tomoyo
2017 args:17, 0,0,-1,200,-1 Save/Load in Tomoyo
2018 args:20, 0,0, 0,255,-1 "──ありがとう…。" (勝平Ed付近)
2019 args:16,-1,0,99,255,-1 "やあ、久しぶり──…。" (同上,Save/Load Menu)
2020 args:26,-1,0,99, 0,255 Kuma in CLANNAD
2021 */
2022 g.print_size = cmd.args[1].value;
2023 /* 前景色を得る */
2024 int cr,cg,cb; char key[1024];
2025 sprintf(key, "#COLOR_TABLE.%03d", cmd.args[5].value);
2026 if (config.GetParam(key, 3, &cr, &cg, &cb)) { // color not found
2027 cr = cg = cb = 0;
2028 }
2029 g.print_r = cr;
2030 g.print_g = cg;
2031 g.print_b = cb;
2032 g.SetUpdate();
2033 cmd.clear();
2034 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x408) { // set order
2035 int order = cmd.args[1].value;
2036 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1) order *= 1000; // order も 1000 倍する必要がある?
2037 g.order = order;
2038 ZMoveObj(cmd.args[0].value);
2039 cmd.clear();
2040 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x40a && cmd.cmd4 == 1) { // set surface geometry?
2041 // オブジェクトのどの部分を画面に表示するか(クリップ領域)の設定
2042 int rx = cmd.args[1].value;
2043 int ry = cmd.args[2].value;
2044 g.SetClipArea(cmd.args[1].value, cmd.args[2].value, cmd.args[3].value,cmd.args[4].value);
2045 cmd.clear();
2046 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x40d) { // set digit number
2047 g.dig_number = cmd.args[1].value;
2048 g.SetUpdate();
2049 cmd.clear();
2050 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x40e) { // set digit option
2051 g.dig_digit = cmd.args[1].value;
2052 int attr = g.attr;
2053 attr &= ~(GrpObj::DIG_ZERO | GrpObj::DIG_SIGN | GrpObj::DIG_PACK);
2054 if (cmd.args[2].value) attr |= GrpObj::DIG_ZERO;
2055 if (cmd.args[3].value) attr |= GrpObj::DIG_SIGN;
2056 if (cmd.args[4].value) attr |= GrpObj::DIG_PACK;
2057 g.attr = GrpObj::Attribute(attr);
2058 g.SetUpdate();
2059 cmd.clear();
2060 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x40f) { /* set surface number */
2061 g.SetSurfaceNum(cmd.args[1].value);
2062 cmd.clear();
2063 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x416) { // オブジェクトの拡大率設定
2064 int zoom = (cmd.args[1].value + cmd.args[2].value)/2; // x,y 別に設定できるらしい
2065 zoom = zoom*256/100;
2066 g.SetZoomRotate(zoom, -1);
2067 cmd.clear();
2068 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x419) { // オブジェクトの回転設定
2069 int angle = cmd.args[1].value;
2070 angle /= 10;
2071 if (angle < 0) {
2072 angle %= 360;
2073 angle += 360;
2074 }
2075 angle %= 360;
2076 g.SetZoomRotate(-1, angle);
2077 cmd.clear();
2078 }
2079 if (cmd.cmd2 == 0x51 && (g.attr & GrpObj::UPDATE_ALL)) {
2080 SetObjChanged(cmd.args[0].value);
2081 }
2082 } else if (cmd.cmd2 == 0x54) {
2083 /* 座標取得 */
2084 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x3e8) {
2085 GrpObj& obj = grpobj[cmd.args[0].value];
2086 VarInfo arg1 = cmd.args[1];
2087 VarInfo arg2 = cmd.args[2];
2088 int x0, y0;
2089 obj.GetPos(0,x0, y0);
2090 cmd.SetFlagvar(arg1, x0);
2091 cmd.SetFlagvar(arg2, y0);
2092 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x44c) {
2093 int w, h;
2094 GrpObj& obj = grpobj[cmd.args[0].value];
2095 obj.GetSrcGeom(w, h);
2096 VarInfo arg1 = cmd.args[1];
2097 VarInfo arg2 = cmd.args[2];
2098 cmd.SetFlagvar(arg1, w);
2099 cmd.SetFlagvar(arg2, h);
2100 }
2101 }
2102 // セーブ用にコマンドを元に戻す
2103 if (cmd.args.size() != 0 && (cmd.cmd_type == CMD_SAVECMDGRP || cmd.cmd_type == CMD_SAVECMDGRP_ONCE)) {
2104 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1) cmd.args[0].value /= 1000;
2105 else if (cmd.cmd1 == 2) {
2106 vector<VarInfo> args = cmd.args;
2107 int value = args[0].value;
2108 cmd.args.clear();
2109 args[0].value = value / 1000;
2110 cmd.args.push_back(args[0]);
2111 args[0].value = value % 1000 - 500;
2112 cmd.args.push_back(args[0]);
2113 cmd.args.insert(cmd.args.end(), args.begin()+1, args.end());
2114 }
2115 }
2116 }
2117 #endif
2118 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 0x1f) { // 本来は grpstack clear らしい
2119 RefreshObj();
2120 // Princess Bride の中途 Staff roll
2121 // このタイミングで描画するのが都合がいいので、
2122 //シナリオループを抜けて描画を起動
2123 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_WAITFRAMEUPDATE;
2124 }
2126 /* XXX : GiGiGi */
2127 /* 122 : 0x23 - cmd 01-04:0924:00[ 0] : V<sys> にBGM再生モードを返す (0/1)
2128 ** 256 : 0x23 - cmd 01-04:091a:00[ 0] : V<sys> にBGM音量を返す (0-255?)
2129 ** 278 : 0x23 - cmd 01-04:0926:00[ 0] : V<sys> にEff再生モードを返す (0/1)
2130 ** 412 : 0x23 - cmd 01-04:091c:00[ 0] : V<sys> にEff音量を返す (0-255?)
2131 ** 434 : 0x23 - cmd 01-04:0927:00[ 0] : V<sys> にSE 再生モードを返す (0/1)
2132 ** 568 : 0x23 - cmd 01-04:091d:00[ 0] : V<sys> にSE 音量を返す (0-255?)
2134 ** 122 : 0x23 - cmd 01-04:08c0:00[ 0] : V<sys> にBGM再生モードを設定 (0/1)
2135 ** 256 : 0x23 - cmd 01-04:08b6:00[ 0] : V<sys> にBGM音量を設定 (0-255?)
2136 ** 278 : 0x23 - cmd 01-04:08c2:00[ 0] : V<sys> にEff再生モードを設定 (0/1)
2137 ** 412 : 0x23 - cmd 01-04:08b8:00[ 0] : V<sys> にEff音量を設定 (0-255?)
2138 ** 434 : 0x23 - cmd 01-04:08c3:00[ 0] : V<sys> にSE 再生モードを設定 (0/1)
2139 ** 568 : 0x23 - cmd 01-04:08b9:00[ 0] : V<sys> にSE 音量を設定 (0-255?)
2140 */
2141 // 本来は音楽関連のコマンド
2142 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 0x14) {
2143 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0 && cmd.cmd4 == 0) {
2144 eprintf("play bgm %s\n",cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]));
2145 music.PlayCDROM( (char*)cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]), 10000);
2146 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMD_ONCE;
2147 }
2148 if (cmd.cmd3 == 2 && (cmd.cmd4 == 2 || cmd.cmd4 == 0) ) { /* ??? : ことみシナリオラストの音楽再生 */
2149 eprintf("play bgm %s\n",cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]));
2150 music.PlayCDROM( (char*)cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]), 1);
2151 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMD_ONCE;
2152 }
2153 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0 && cmd.cmd4 == 2) {
2154 eprintf("fade bgm %d? and play bgm %s; %d\n",cmd.args[1].value, cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]), cmd.args[2].value);
2155 // music.PlayCDROM( (char*)cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]), 10000, cmd.args[2].value);
2156 music.PlayCDROM( (char*)cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]), 10000);
2157 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMD_ONCE;
2158 }
2159 if ( (cmd.cmd3 == 5 || cmd.cmd3 == 0x69) && cmd.cmd4 == 0) {
2160 if (cmd.cmd3 == 5) {
2161 music.StopCDROM(0);
2162 eprintf("stop bgm\n");
2163 } else {
2164 music.StopCDROM(cmd.args[0].value);
2165 eprintf("fade bgm %d\n",cmd.args[0].value);
2166 }
2167 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMD_ONCE;
2168 }
2169 }
2170 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 0x15) {
2171 if ((cmd.cmd3 == 2) || (cmd.cmd3 == 0 && cmd.cmd4 == 1) || (cmd.cmd3 == 0 && cmd.cmd4 == 0)) {
2172 eprintf("play SE %s\n",cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]));
2173 if (cmd.cmd3 == 2) {
2174 music.PlaySE(cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]),1);
2175 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMD_ONCE;
2176 } else {
2177 music.PlaySE(cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]));
2178 cmd.clear();
2179 }
2180 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 5) {
2181 eprintf("Stop SE\n");
2182 music.StopSE();
2183 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMD_ONCE;
2184 } else if (cmd.cmd3 == 0x69) {
2185 eprintf("Stop SE with fade %d\n",cmd.args[0].value);
2186 music.StopSE(cmd.args[0].value);
2187 cmd.cmd_type = CMD_SAVECMD_ONCE;
2188 }
2189 }
2190 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 4 && (cmd.cmd3 == 0x4bb || cmd.cmd3 == 0x4bc) ) {
2191 // 音楽を待ってみる(絶対に違うが)。本来、04-803 に対応してなにかの終わりをwaitするっぽい(風子/智代Ed付近)
2192 // EnableSyscom らしいが、よくわからない (rldev)
2193 // if (!music.IsStopSE()) status = WAIT_SE;
2194 cmd.clear();
2195 }
2196 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 4 && (cmd.cmd3 == 0x8b6 || cmd.cmd3 == 0x91a) ) {
2197 // 音楽モードで音量を上げるためのコマンド (SetBgmVolume)
2198 // とりあえず未実装
2199 cmd.clear();
2200 }
2202 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 0x16) {
2203 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0 && cmd.cmd4 == 0) {
2204 eprintf("play SE %d\n",cmd.args[0].value);
2205 music.PlaySE(cmd.args[0].value);
2206 cmd.clear();
2207 }
2208 }
2209 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 0x17) {
2210 if (cmd.cmd3 == 0) {
2211 eprintf("play koe %d",cmd.args[0].value);
2212 if (cmd.cmd4 == 1) {
2213 eprintf(", para? %d",cmd.args[1].value);
2214 }
2215 eprintf("\n");
2216 char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf, "%d",cmd.args[0].value);
2217 if ( !(skip_mode & SKIP_TEXT)) music.PlayKoe(buf);
2218 cmd.clear();
2219 }
2220 }
2221 if (cmd.cmd1 == 1 && cmd.cmd2 == 0x1a) {
2222 if ( (cmd.cmd3 == 0x14 || cmd.cmd3 == 1) && cmd.cmd4 == 0) {
2223 const char* str = cmd.Str(cmd.args[0]);
2224 int x = cmd.args[1].value;
2225 int y = cmd.args[2].value;
2226 int x2 = cmd.args[3].value;
2227 int y2 = cmd.args[4].value;
2228 eprintf("play movie ; name %s pos %d,%d - %d,%d\n",str,x,y,x2,y2);
2229 music.PlayMovie(str, x, y, x2, y2,1);
2230 status = WAIT_MOVIE;
2231 event.RegisterGlobalPressFunc(&Pressed, (void*)this);
2232 cmd.clear();
2233 }
2234 }
2235 return;
2236 }
2239 /********************************************************
2240 **
2241 ** class Grp
2242 */
2244 Grp::Grp(Event::Container& _event, PicContainer& _parent, const Flags& f, set<int>& _cgm,class MuSys& mu, AyuSysConfig& config) {
2245 pimpl = new GrpImpl(_event, _parent, f, _cgm, mu, config);
2246 };
2247 Grp::~Grp() {
2248 delete pimpl;
2249 }
2251 bool Grp::Wait(unsigned int current_time, Cmd& cmd) {
2252 return pimpl->Wait(current_time, cmd);
2253 }
2254 void Grp::Exec(Cmd& cmd) {
2255 pimpl->Exec(cmd);
2256 }
2257 void Grp::SetSkipMode(SkipMode mode) {
2258 pimpl->SetSkipMode(mode);
2259 }
2260 void Grp::InitSel(AyuSysConfig& config) {
2261 pimpl->InitSel(config);
2262 }
2263 void Grp::Save(std::string& str) {
2264 pimpl->Save(str);
2265 }
2267 void Grp::Load(const char* str) {
2268 pimpl->Load(str);
2269 }
2270 void Grp::SaveSys(std::string& str) {
2271 pimpl->SaveSys(str);
2272 }
2274 void Grp::LoadSys(const char* str) {
2275 pimpl->LoadSys(str);
2276 }