view index.tpl.xhtml @ 0:0a1d0ab5f518

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author Emmanuel Gil Peyrot <>
date Thu, 07 Sep 2017 15:04:29 +0100
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	<meta charset="UTF-8"/>

	<meta name="description" content="{% trans 'Libre reimplementation of the Touhou 6 engine in Python' %}"/>

	<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/logo/pytouhou-32.png"/>
	<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" sizes="any" href="/logo/pytouhou.svg"/>
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	<meta property="og:title" content="PyTouhou"/>
	<meta property="og:description" content="Libre reimplementation of the Touhou 6 engine in Python"/>
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	<h3>{% trans 'Libre reimplementation of the Touhou 6 engine in Python' %}</h3>

	<p>{% trans 'This page is also available in:' %}</p>
{% for lang in AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES %}{% if lang != LANGUAGE_CODE %}		<li><a lang="{{lang}}" hreflang="{{lang}}" href="/{% if lang != 'en' %}index.{{lang}}.xhtml{% endif %}">{{ lang|language_name_local }}</a></li>
{% endif %}{% endfor %}	</ul>

	<p>{% trans 'Further links about this project:' %}</p>
		<li>{% blocktrans with room='' webclient='//' logs='/logs/' %}<a href="{{room}}">XMPP room</a>, to speak with us (with a <a href="{{webclient}}">webclient</a> and <a href="{{logs}}">logs</a>){% endblocktrans %}</li>
		<li>{% blocktrans with repository='//' mercurial='' %}<a href="{{repository}}">Repository</a>, where you can get the sources, using <a href="{{mercurial}}">Mercurial</a>{% endblocktrans %}</li>
		<!--<li>{% blocktrans with bugtracker='/bugs/' %}<a href="{{bugtracker}}">Bug tracker</a>{% endblocktrans %}</li>-->
		<li>{% blocktrans with documentation='/doc/' %}<a href="{{documentation}}">Documentation</a>{% endblocktrans %}</li>


<section id="download">

	<h2>{% trans 'Download' %}</h2>

	<div class="os"><img alt="logo" src="/os/archlinux.svg"/><p><a href="/download/archlinux/" title="{% trans 'ArchLinux' %}">{% trans 'ArchLinux' %}</a></p></div>
	<div class="os"><img alt="logo" src="/os/debian.svg"/><p><a href="/download/debian/" title="{% trans 'Debian' %}">{% trans 'Debian' %}</a></p></div>
	<div class="os"><img alt="logo" src="/os/haiku.svg"/><p><a href="/download/haiku/" title="{% trans 'Haiku' %}">{% trans 'Haiku' %}</a></p></div>
	<div class="os"><img alt="logo" src="/os/linux.svg"/><p><a href="/download/linux/" title="{% trans 'Linux' %}">{% trans 'Linux' %}</a></p></div>
	<div class="os"><img alt="logo" src="/os/pandora.svg"/><p><a href="/download/pandora" title="{% trans 'Pandora' %}">{% trans 'Pandora' %}</a></p></div>
	<div class="os"><img alt="logo" src="/os/osx.svg"/><p><a href="/download/osx/" title="{% trans 'OSX' %}">{% trans 'OSX' %}</a></p></div>
	<div class="os"><img alt="logo" src="/os/ubuntu.svg"/><p><a href="/download/ubuntu/" title="{% trans 'Ubuntu' %}">{% trans 'Ubuntu' %}</a></p></div>
	<div class="os"><img alt="logo" src="/os/windows.svg"/><p><a href="/download/windows/" title="{% trans 'Windows' %}">{% trans 'Windows' %}</a></p></div>

	<p>{% trans 'Note that the Debian/Ubuntu package won’t work before Debian Jessie (8.0) or Ubuntu Trusty (14.04), due to missing dependencies.' %}<br/>
	{% trans 'Furthermore, you are more than welcome to make a package for your OS of choice, if you do so please contact us. ☺' %}</p>


<section id="building">

	<h2>{% trans 'Build from the source' %}<br/>
	<small>({% trans 'if you don’t use our packages' %})</small></h2>

	<p>{% trans 'You will need:' %}</p>
		<li>{% blocktrans with python='' python_version='3.4+' %}<a href="{{python}}">Python</a> {{python_version}}, the interpreter, as well as the headers and shared objects needed to compile with Cython.{% endblocktrans %}</li>
		<li>{% blocktrans with mercurial='' %}<a href="{{mercurial}}">Mercurial</a>, to download the sources and keep them up-to-date, as we currently don't provide stable releases.{% endblocktrans %}</li>
		<li>{% blocktrans with cython='' cython_version='0.19' %}<a href="{{cython}}">Cython</a> (at least {{cython_version}}), for the SDL 2.0 and OpenGL bindings, and for performance reasons.{% endblocktrans %}</li>
		<li>{% blocktrans with sdl='' sdl_image='' sdl_mixer='' sdl_ttf='' %}<a href="{{sdl}}">SDL 2.0</a>, for window creation and input handling, <a href="{{sdl_image}}">SDL2_image</a> for PNG loading, <a href="{{sdl_mixer}}">SDL2_mixer</a> for music playback and <a href="{{sdl_ttf}}">SDL2_ttf</a> for text rendering.{% endblocktrans %}</li>
		<li>{% blocktrans with libepoxy='' %}<a href="{{libepoxy}}">libepoxy</a>, to detect OpenGL profiles and features available at runtime, making a single build run on every GPU and driver.{% endblocktrans %}</li>
		<li>{% blocktrans with mesa='' %}And finally a working OpenGL 2.1+ or 1.4 implementation, like <a href="{{mesa}}">Mesa</a> for example.{% endblocktrans %}</li>
		<li>{% blocktrans with gtk='' gtk_version='3.10+' %}Optionally, you can install <a href="{{gtk}}">GTK+</a> ({{gtk_version}}) to get a graphical menu.{% endblocktrans %}</li>

	<p>{% blocktrans with clone_command='<code>hg clone</code>' build_command='<code>python3 build</code>' install_command='<code>python3 install</code>' inplace_build_command='<code>python3 build_ext --inplace</code>' run_command='<code>PYTHONPATH=. scripts/pytouhou</code>' %}Then retrieve the sources with {{clone_command}}, compile it with {{build_command}} and install it with {{install_command}}. If you prefer to run it from the sources directory, use {{inplace_build_command}} instead, and then run it with {{run_command}}.{% endblocktrans %}</p>


<section id="getthegame">

	<h2>{% trans 'How to get the game' %}</h2>

	<p>{% trans 'For now you will need either the demo or the commercial version of <a href="">Touhou 6 ~ Embodiment of Scarlet Devil</a>.' %}<br/>
	{% blocktrans with th06_download_page='' th06_demo='' libarchive_url='' bsdtar='<code>bsdtar</code>' convmv_url='' convmv='<code>convmv</code>' %}The demo is available on the <a href="{{th06_download_page}}">official download page</a> or directly by clicking on <a href="{{th06_demo}}">this link</a>, then unarchive it with something like <a href="{{libarchive_url}}">libarchive</a>’s {{bsdtar}}, and convert the filenames from CP932 using something like <a href="{{convmv_url}}">{{convmv}}</a>.{% endblocktrans %}<br/>
	{% trans 'Sorry about that, but those files aren’t redistributable in a friendlier format.' %}</p>


<section id="play">

	<h2>{% trans 'How to play' %}</h2>

	<p>{% blocktrans with help_command='<code>pytouhou --help</code>' %}{{help_command}} should tell you everything you need about the options. If something is not clear, please tell us. For the gameplay, everything you need can be found on <a href=""></a>.{% endblocktrans %}</p>


<section id="issues">

	<h2>{% trans 'Known issues' %}</h2>

		<li>{% trans 'There are inaccuracies everywhere, don’t expect it to be able to use a replay recorded on the original engine.' %}</li>
		<li>{% trans 'Bombs are not implemented, and are probably not going to be any time soon.' %}</li>
		<li>{% trans 'Some boss spellcards are unimplemented or don’t behave correctly.' %}</li>
		<li>{% trans 'Scoring isn’t correct.' %}</li>


<section id="screenshots">

	<h2>{% trans 'Screenshots' %}</h2>

	<a href="/screenshots/big/s1-01.png"><img src="/screenshots/s1-01.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=1 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s1-02.png"><img src="/screenshots/s1-02.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=1 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s1-03.png"><img src="/screenshots/s1-03.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=1 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s1-04.png"><img src="/screenshots/s1-04.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=1 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s2-01.png"><img src="/screenshots/s2-01.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=2 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s2-02.png"><img src="/screenshots/s2-02.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=2 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s3-01.png"><img src="/screenshots/s3-01.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=3 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s3-02.png"><img src="/screenshots/s3-02.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=3 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s3-03.png"><img src="/screenshots/s3-03.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=3 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s3-04.png"><img src="/screenshots/s3-04.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=3 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s3-05.png"><img src="/screenshots/s3-05.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=3 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s4-01.png"><img src="/screenshots/s4-01.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=4 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s4-02.png"><img src="/screenshots/s4-02.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=4 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s4-03.png"><img src="/screenshots/s4-03.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=4 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s5-01.png"><img src="/screenshots/s5-01.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=5 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s6-01.png"><img src="/screenshots/s6-01.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=6 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s6-02.png"><img src="/screenshots/s6-02.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=6 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s6-03.png"><img src="/screenshots/s6-03.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=6 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s6-04.png"><img src="/screenshots/s6-04.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=6 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s6-05.png"><img src="/screenshots/s6-05.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=6 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s6-06.png"><img src="/screenshots/s6-06.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=6 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s6-07.png"><img src="/screenshots/s6-07.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=6 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s6-08.png"><img src="/screenshots/s6-08.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=6 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s7-01.png"><img src="/screenshots/s7-01.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=7 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s7-02.png"><img src="/screenshots/s7-02.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=7 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s7-03.png"><img src="/screenshots/s7-03.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=7 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s7-04.png"><img src="/screenshots/s7-04.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=7 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s7-05.png"><img src="/screenshots/s7-05.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=7 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s7-06.png"><img src="/screenshots/s7-06.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=7 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s7-07.png"><img src="/screenshots/s7-07.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=7 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s7-08.png"><img src="/screenshots/s7-08.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=7 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>
	<a href="/screenshots/big/s7-09.png"><img src="/screenshots/s7-09.jpeg" alt="{% blocktrans with stage=7 %}Stage {{stage}}{% endblocktrans %}" width="128" height="96"/></a>


{% trans 'Source code of this website:' %}

